Here is the reason for gardens and self-sufficiency. Anytime I need to go to the store or shopping I need to drive past a huge granary storage silo. You know the kind. If you have never seen them up close I am sure you have seen them on TV or in movies at some time or another. They are the the big granaries where the farmers take their crops during and after the harvest. It is where the produce from the fields such as corn, soybeans and grain crops are weighed and stored before it is processed for consumption for man or beast.
The big granary I pass frequently has massive doors open so the big farm trucks can drive in and deposit their loads of hard labor from the fields. And it is hard labor, for no one works harder than a good farmer .
Here is what bugs me. The huge doors are left open day and night . It a haven for birds, bugs and vermin. I see large flocks of feathered aviators flying in and out all the time. Birds eat. Bugs eat. Rats eat. They all defecate. Hmm, do you think they leave the premises to use the facilities at the local gas station? No, the "go" where they are. On the corn, on the soybeans and on the grains that is used for your food.
To my wondering eyes, it seems that those big doors could be closed most of the time to help eliminate the visitors of wing, paw and crawly things. Don't you think? And that is a good reason to raise your food and be self-sufficient. You know what is in your own garden and how you have processed it. You know how your own livestock and poultry was raised and cared for. You know how to be human and not wasteful of growing, living plant and animals of the earth. AND I am sure you keep the fruits of your labor as CLEAN as possible.
On another matter, visit PRISON PLANET. com. There you will find some information about Swine Flu vaccination and the preparations for military intervention. I don't think we need the military directing Americans as to who, where or when Americans will get Swine Flu inoculations. I think most Americans would abide by "Women and children first." There may be a few exceptions to this general American virtue, but by and large we are a law abiding, God fearing nation. We are rapidly becoming a people under the hammer. Go there. Look. Read and decide. This is not off the wall information. It has already been alluded to on the news, but not in depth.
Today I cut back on my satellite programming. I went to the basic package. Why spend $70.00 a month for garbage TV? If I could I would put a lot of the programs offered out on the compost pile. I will also ditch People PC. It takes a good half hour to download anything and I don't need two servers. So, as you can surmise, I am trying to reduce the amt. of money I spend because I don't see a light at the end of Oboma's tunnel. Do you?
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