Friday, July 31, 2009

Rain fest

Last night there was a heavy downpour. Other places had it worse than here, but my roof started to leak. It should have five or six years left on the warranty, but I know if I call the original roofers they will charge for any work they do. So I might as well let Chuck get up there and patch it and give him the money. He is a general contractor and roofing is/was his main work. The economy is bad so he is mowing several yards including mine, to make ends meet. Today he has a couple more leaking roofs to mend so he says he will come over this eve. I hope he makes it because we have more rain on the way.

I went to the Goodwill store and it was wall to wall shoppers, looking for a bargain. I only bought a VCR tape and a small silver pin. I spent all of $2.12. I couldn't find what I wanted so I left.

I have been hauling in all the canned goods that were/are in the van. I have a small rolling cart that comes in handy as I can't lift those heavy bags of canned food and maintain my balance at the same time. I still have a couple loads to bring in. Seven months ago I didn't need a rolling cart to bring things in from the van. I don't know who invented that small wheeled cart, but I have put it to good use. I only paid $10.00 for it over two years ago. It was a good investment for the price.

Last night I cooked a small chicken in my digital pressure cooker. I tossed in a couple of potatoes and it was done in less than 20 minutes. It was so good..yum, and I have a few meals already for devouring per desire. Also, I have 1 qt. of broth to cook with. Instead of using water when I cook rice I use chicken broth. I do need to start eating more green vegetables. I know. And I will.

I put what canned stuff that I canned into the back room: out of site out of mined. The garden season is closing fast and 'though I would like a "summer garden' it is too wet to get into the garden and plant stuff. This has been the second coolest summer and the second wettest summer season on record here.

I read a few blog sites, but don't go through all of them, but sort of surf some of them occasionally. Most think as I do: prepare for harder, leaner times. I have been urging my youngest sister to save each and every nickle and dime she can, but as she is on disability(motorcycle accident years ago) I do realize she just doesn't have a lot that she can put back for a rainy day. Anyone on disability or S. S. should try to save or stock up even if it is just a few cans of food at a time Congress is talking about welfare cuts. They are discussing cuts in Medicare which is is for the older Americans that worked for 40 years or more, to insure the care of the elderly on S. S. What else can they do to line their pockets? No one in Congress is taking a pay cut or losing their health care. Government employees have the very best insurance which taxpayers pay for. They should clean their own houses before they forcefully sweep out mine.


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