Monday, July 27, 2009


This a little off beat, but I will relate it anyhow. I have always kept my bathroom commode clean, but lately it looks like it has been neglected. I can scrub it one day and the next day the porcelain bowl will be brown in color beneath the waterline. After frequent cleaning I decided to pull the top off the tank to see why the toilet was always "dirty." Well, it happens that the tank was full of mud/sediment and some grit. I cleaned out the tank and flushed it several times to get the crud out. There is still a little grit left in the bottom of the tank, but it is much better/cleaner looking.

Where I am located the water is pumped up from the Ohio and into tall storage tanks. I guess that with all the heavy rain we have had the huge water towers are probably full of mud and sediment. This is also where our drinking water comes from, so I guess we have all been drinking mud...yum, scum.

Yesterday I made a stew that turned out pretty good. I put a couple qts. in the freeze for when the wolves may be at the door and a cold wind come barreling down from the northern frontiers. I used a large can of spaghetti sauce in the stew which makes it even better. I cooked some corn to put into the freezer, too. It is not a lot of corn, but every little bit is better than no corn at all.

Late Sunday eve. I got a call from my friend that I had worked with for many years. She is the one that got me to the hospital and stayed with me when I fractured my elbow in strange places. Anyway, she had just come out of emergency surgery and was wide awake as they had used an epidural anesthesia on her. She went to work on Sunday and started passing blood and had a lot of back pain. An MRI showed that she had a mass on her kidney, so out it came. PDQ. She was in good spirits and was on a morphine pump for pain. I'll bet she hurts a more than a little bit now.

Debbie lost her sister this past year to cancer and her mother to cancer around 1986, so it runs in her family. Because she is a nurse she knew to get to the Dr. PDQ when she saw that her plumbing was going haywire. My cousin did not know the symptoms and kept plugging along. and working. Two weeks after she was diagnosed she died at 54. Pain and discomfort is the body's signal that something is wrong, so never ignore what your body is trying to tell you. It is your 911 call to yourself.

Tomorrow I will go shopping for more canned goods to add to the larder and freezer. Since I no longer have have chickens I guess I will buy some chicken and maybe some more canned ham. I am not sure yet until I look at what is available.

I will have to mind my budget even closer now. I got my utility bill and the electric went up about $30 dollars. I have not used more power and have all florescent lighting, so I don't know why the big jump. All I do know is the there will be no cost of living raises for anyone on S. S. The gov. wants to cut your benefits, too. Watch out, seniors, Soilent Green is gonna feed the masses. I hope I spelled that right. Soilent Green is an old movie about making food out of people and feeding it to...the people. Yum. Fe, Fy. Fo, Fum, I smell the bones of an Americum


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