Monday, July 13, 2009

Failed Nations

Read the History of Western Civilization and you will see history repeating it self, just running down a faster track and blowing through all the signals without the switch man waving the trains through with his trusty signal light. There is bound to be a heck of a wreck somewhere along the line and it isn't "Choo Choo Charley" driving the the engine.

Nations fail from within. There is greed, corruption, self interests, and imperialism fueling the grinding erosion of the wheels that speed the train onto the rickety bridge that eventually falls into the abyss.

Greedy governmental officials from the local level of elected "Servants" to the the Congress, the Senate and even to the highest office of the land, THE PRESIDENCY.

We are not longer electing our leaders. They are now being appointed by the Powers That Be and do not answer the "WE PEOPLE"..the majority.

Corruption from small towns and big cities to the revered dome of Washington DC are sucking the life and breath from the this country by way of Taxes There are Federal taxes, State taxes, county taxes, city taxes, and a multitude for hidden taxes. You pay sales tax, gas tax, phone tax, cigarette tax, alcohol tax, library tax, utility taxes, school tax, auto tire tax, and if you have any investments you pay taxes on them, too. Don't forget S.S. taxes luxury taxes, and Medicare taxes. Did I miss a few? I'm sure I did. Probably 60 to 75 % of your income goes for taxes. What ever happened to "No taxation without representation?"

Sooner or later The train will come off the rails or miss a switch and we will be sing that old song about "Casey Jones", the engineer who was going a little bit too fast and didn't make it around the bend.

When I speak of imperialism be aware that America has troops in over 128 countries. Why do we still have troops in Germany, England, Japan and other countries that were "liberated" 50 an 60 years ago? In some countries we do need to have a presence, but can't some of the aforementioned nations provide their own armies and security? Why can't we put some of these troops on our own boarder? Hmmm?

There are those that benefit richly from their attained offices, even here ins this small city. The mayor was selling alcohol without a licence and serving underage drinkers. His reasoning; "Everyone else is doing it." The judge was cited for open burning of hazardous material and his excuse was that it had "been there for more than 30 years. Neither one had to pay the fiddler as you or I would

Keep chipping away at our very foundation and sooner or later or later the base will crumble, crack and the structure above will tilt and fall. When the ties under the railroad tracks rot out and the spikes come loose the train will will eventually clickity clack off the railroad tracks.

I do not advocate violence, civil unrest or insurrection, but I see it coming and so does our government. They are prepared to quell any such actions on the part of disenfranchised people. Would American troops fire on American people? They have before; it is part of our history.


1 comment:

Mike Yukon said...

This is exactly the way I see it. I also see another revolution coming, a bloody one. The government will implode and the masses who expect the gov to take care of them will go nuts and the people who pay all the taxes will produce a coup. Lord knows what life will be like then because we know power corrupts all.

Probably the best strategy is keep a low profile and be able to feed yourself, you know, like a Survivalist......