Saturday, July 25, 2009

Famers Market

I went to the farmer's market looking for tomatoes. They wanted $2.00 a pound. Well, one decent tomato can make a lb. so I walked away from the tomatoes. I did buy some corn; six for $2.00., and two green peppers. Even that wasn't a real bargain. I was disappointed.

I went to the Family Dollar Store to see what I could get in the way of stocking up. There I bought four 1 lb. cans of ham. That gives me five cans altogether. I got some spices; two for $1.00 and some grated cheese in shakers. I also bought cans of Tuna and Vienna Sausages to have on hand. That was the extent of my urban foraging for the day.

It rained during the night and part of the day. It will be good for the garden. I hope to get in a summer garden of some sort; maybe a few beets or some beans.

I am getting new neighbors next door. I caught the other owners that have the house next door on the other side. It is vacant and unattended. He mows the small patch of lawn in the front every couple of months, just enough to keep the city from knowing how bad the backyard is. I told him I wanted his trash heap removed from my fence and he said he would attend to it next week. This is the second time I have asked them to get rid of all that trash. We will see.

I don't know of anything new or exciting. END


treesong said...

Sounds like your melons will feed those critters next door. Know what you mean about neighbor's garbage - it's been dumped all over our land for years. Too lazy to go to the transfer station and that would be less money for beer!

Please contact me again about taht book & give me your email or address. I'd like to send you some money for the book. You don't have to post this comment or post part if you like. Thanks, I appreciate your help. Sure wish I'd paid more attention to some things because now I'm trying to recall some relatives names, etc. and my mom is gone too so don't know what I'll do. Treesong

Anonymous said...

Here you can go to the landfill for free and the garbage pickup is includeded in your monthly utility bill. It just a matter of walking it out to the alley for pickup or taking it over to the landfill. Lazy people.
The book is free