Saturday, October 8, 2011


 Autumn leaves are lovely things,
in shades of red and gold
But they presage another time,
When summer has grown old ;
When frost paints crystal fantasies
Upon the brown, bare hills,
That green in summer freely spent,
The gold of daffodils;
When brittle leaves in burning heaps,
Perfume the keening breeze,
That searches aimlessly, wraith,
Among the tattered trees;
Unlike the autumn leaves that fall
And sadly fade away,
Love blossoms in the heart,
To warm each passing day.
by Julie E. Jones.


To progress in our spiritual journey we must cultivate a more humble, positive life.  We must, at times need to, and seek the aid of others and profit from their insights.  Value your uniqueness and potential.   You possess the gifts of Grace to share and the LOVE to give your fellow travelers.  Cultivate your spiritaul YOU.  Never think you walk the road alone for there are multitudes that travel with us.  Some will stumble and fall, some of us may take a diverse path, others will trod the road steadfastly and faithfully while many will never start the journey.  Should we fall to our knees, get up and carry on.  You-we-can do it. Get your map out and follow it without straying from the GOAL.  It is a long, rocky road and isn't always  full of sunshine and lollipops.  Your Bible is your GPS or map to the world to come.

"Love binds us to Him in the bond of understanding and sympathy. By faith we come to gaze upon Him and find Him; love completes the work begun by faith and makes us one with Him."   From "THE IMITATION OF CHRIST"

LOVE AND FAITH...go together better than pie and ice cream, don't they?

I got the rest of the lawn mowed this afternoon and it looks better.  I know I will need to do it again as the leaves keep coming down and this just the start of it.  I have had to mow as late as mid-December, depending on how Mother Nature behaves.  However, this may be a cold winter and she may bundle up early.  I am glad I found all my missing gloves in the recesses of the van.  I guess it does pay to "clean house" on occasion!

Tomorrow, is Sunday all day...and I have "places to go and things to do."


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