Saturday, October 1, 2011

THE TOP TEN that you may ignore...but shouldn't.


You shall have no more Gods but me
Before no idol bend your knee
Take not the name of God in vain
Nor dare the Sabbath-day profane
Give both your parents honor due
Take heed that you no murder do
Abstain from words and acts unclean
Nor steal, though you are poor and mean
Nor make a willful lie, not love it
What is your neighbor's dare not covet.
by Watts
Works for me!
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above,
coming down from the Father of Lights,,   
with whom there is not change,
nor shadow or alteration.
 James 1: 17
I really like the Epistle of James.  Even Paul went to him to consult on the Gospel.
Well, tomorrow is my 'DAY OFF" and I will be gone for a good part of the day.  It will be cool in the morning and I got my sweater out and put it through the washer and dryer.  I may need a jacket as it is going down to 34-36 degrees.  There are frost warnings out for some parts of KY, but I would rather be cool than too warm.

I cheated on my diet today and picked up a fish and chicken dinner from Captain D's.  I only ate half though and put the rest in the fridge.  Does that count as dieting?  LOL!


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