Friday, October 7, 2011

Yellow Rainfall on an Autumn Day

An autumn day is like a Psalm of Peace,
A whispered sigh, a half forgotten smile,
The blending of a dozen different shades
Of gold and brown along each pensive mile.
A melody whose mind forgets,
Echos through the rustling of leaves,
too deep to penetrate the Sacred Hush,
As moments such as these when one believes.
Standing on the threshold of the heart,
The Scarlet Maples flaming on a hill,
Recalling other hours long ago,
How can one bid such memories be still?
Something very wise and beautiful,
Lives in the yearly rendezvous of Fall,
A tangled trail...a puff of dandelion, lone bird call.
by Grace E. Easley
O Lord, my heart is not proud,
nor are my eyes haughty;
I busy not myself with great things,
nor with things too sublime for me.
Nay, rather I have stilled and quited my soul
like a weaned child.
Like a weaned child on its mother's lap,
So is my soul within me.
Ps. 130: 1-2

When I write this post I try to write simply: No dogma, rules or difficult practices to learn and follow, but  simple to read and understand for everyone, I hope.  A simple post from a simple mind...yes, that's me. The main concept in all Christian epistles or writings is this:  GOD IS LOVE and He loves you...all of us...and expects us to love Him in return through compassion, hope, faith and charity...and most of all in loving obedience to His Great Love for us.  Remember Christ said to his disciples that the greatest commandment was to "love your neighbor as your self."  To Love One Another...we must also receive love, so open your hearts and souls to this thing called Love.  It is a two way street, with lots of stops, starts, one ways, wrong ways, and unpaved byways...along the way. Persist...and you will get where you need to go...HOME TO CHRIST who await our coming.

I went out and got a little gas for the mower and cleaned up most of the back yard.  Tomorrow-Saturday-I will tackle the front.  The leaves are coming down like yellow rainfall now.  I will need to use the bagger and probably will have to go over my leafy lake of turning reds and yellow and green grass several times.  But...I am so lazy...and I don't want to work!


P.S.  It's a beautiful world out there that God has made:
Get out and enjoy it.  Kick a few golden leaves.
LOVE the world He has given us.
last fall

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