Tuesday, October 4, 2011



Today I take your hand,
Tomorrow you may need mine;
We share in one great love
The love of the Divine
Today I soothe your brow,
Tomorrow you'll comfort me,
We have a common bond,
It's called humanity.
by Dorothy Nielderberger
"Who is wise and instructed among you? 
Let him by his good behavior
show his work in meekness and wisdom."
James 3:13

Just as I am-without one plea,
But that thou blood was shed for me,
And that thou bid me to come to thee-
Oh Lamb of God, I come!
Just as I am-and waiting not,
To rid my soul of one dark blot,
To thee-whose blood can cleanse each spot-
Oh Lamb of God, I come!
Just as I am-thou wilt receive,
Wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve:
Because thy promise I believe,
Oh Lamb of God, I come!
by C.Elliott
The above poem is old.  I made no attempt to edit it or modernize it because to do so would ruin the rhythm-flow.

This has been one gorgeous fall day; my kind of weather-keep it coming Old Lady Mother Nature.  Today I got one appointment done and out of the way.  Tomorrow I will get another done and then forgotten...sort of, until next time.  On Wed. I hope to get some outside work done and out the way also.  For the rest of the week the "West Side Nut Club" is having its fall festival.  How they came up with such a name is beyond me, but I do know that for the last 70 years they have raised funds and helped a lot of people locally, all through volunteer workers and actions.  It will be wall to wall people, cars and food.  And speaking of food I cheated on my diet today, big time.  I ate two potatoes;  I have been craving tatters...so I gave in to my baser self.  Yum.


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