Friday, April 12, 2013


I needed to be out and about today so after Mass I went to the grocery store.  I am a heavy-duty milk drinker and I needed some crackers to take with my medicine in the morning.  I did forget a couple things, but that's OK.  I can pick them up tomorrow as I need to be out again.  One thing I should have gotten is gas because the price went down to $3.26.  That isn't going to last long.
The ground is very soft and the grass/weeds are in a hurry to grow tall and bothersome.  I can't mow while the grass is wet or the yard is too soft to take the mower.  The rivers are up all around, but not at flood stage.  That may change as the snow melt comes down from Pennsylvania and all the tributaries and into the Ohio River.  What erratic weather we have had with more to come.
I am still re-reading Genesis, but I won't bore anyone with quoting from the text.  I will say that I am amused when I read that Eve gave Adam the forbidden fruit to eat.  She did not force Adam to eat the fruit, but it seems that he ate the fruit freely.  Then he blamed it on Eve and Eve blamed it on the serpent.  Isn't that the way human nature responds when we knowingly do or condone wrongness?  Blame it on someone or something else.  "The serpent deceived me."  We deceive ourselves.  That is kid stuff when we do not take responsibility for what we say and do; our actions, social or spiritual.  I must admit that at times I am also a kind of "kid."  It is the easy way out when we don't want to answer or "own up" to our faults and failings.  Right now I am trying to "own up" to some jealous inclinations that I have.  Not an easy weakness to remove, but I know it is there and I am trying.  What are you deceiving yourself about or blaming on the serpent..."The Devil made me do it.  Really?


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