Wednesday, August 3, 2011


I opened up a brand name can of tuna for lunch today.  It was a container of bits of small, flaky pieces...not chunky tuna.  I was going to make a small tuna salad.  It would not have made even a poor salad.

I think this is something like our souls-spiritual chunks...nothing solid.  What can you make with bits and small pieces of a fish where the can is more valuable than the inner product?  Just about nothing.  But if you were to  feed God's little fish and let them grow they would become very healthy and sustaining.  Food for the Soul...of the Soul.  I am trying to feed my fish so that I might be a better "fisher of men" in some small way.  What Christ actually said was "Feed My Sheep." 
As I have no sheep I will have to be content to cast my net into the water 'though it has many holes in it and is raggedy.  Who knows, I might catch a minnow or two.

Are you a minnow or a shark?  Do you swim aimlessly in little schools of fish or do you go after the Lord aggressively bearing fins and teeth?  I liken myself as a little minnow circling on the fringes of bigger school of little fishes. We...the little fish are the bait fish and are the lure for the shark in an attempt to snag the "big one" on a hook.

My brothers have always been fishermen, seeking that elusive prize swimming in the shadows...lurking, waiting to have a little fish for breakfast or a good meal.  Somehow, the big fish is always the "one that got away."

There are some pretty big fish in the pond and a lot of little fish like me.  Catch a big one if you can, but if you can't, be happy to be the bait, the little minnow in the pool.

Four brothers went out at night to fish for that was their occupation.  They caught nothing after a long night of casting their nets into the lake.  Along comes another fisherman and tells them to return to the boats and water and try again.  No one fishes in the heat of the day, but they did as they were directed.  They later returned to the shore with a fully overloaded boat of the heat of the day.  The big fisherman said, "Come follow me, I will make you fishers of men."  They left their boats, nets and fish to follow the "big guy."

 Post this sign at the boat dock .."Follow the Big Guy."
Read Luke Chapter 5.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Greetings Mabel,

Applauding, excellent post!! What a great and timely manner that we should all be fishers of men!! I am blessed to read this post this morning. It has lifted my spirits and shown me I am on the right track with my own life.

I may stumble and fall often but picking myself up I persevier to the right goal. Thank you so much!! This really made my day!!

We are a little cooler today. I am grateful to be able to shut the air conditioners off for a little while this morning and get some fresh air in the house. It will warm up again, but it is good right now. :-)

Have a blessed day!