Saturday, August 27, 2011


Your first amendment of the Constitution Of the United States of America gives you the right to cuss, curse or use profanity.  It is commonly known as "Freedom of Speech."  You just don't know how blessed you are to have such a freedom.  Freedom of speech is too often taken for granted, used unwisely or abused.  One of the un-thought of abuses has to do with cursing, taking the Lord's name in vein, general cussing, fuming, and venting our frustrations.

We all have our moments of frustrations or emotional upheavals, speaking and reacting with often vile words.  Our human nature is to express ourselves.  We just need to watch what come out our mouths.

If you don't want your children, family or friends to use inappropriate language, then your need to curb what you say and how you say it.  If you hear a little one using four letter words, stop and think, "I wonder where the child picked that up from?"  Well, Duh.

You can change your language and speech by substituting vile and curse words with words that are just as effective and effusive as those that you may have spit out or are using now, and they will not offend anyone...not even the Pope.  I will give you a short list to go by and can make up your own.
  • dang
  • darn
  • drat
  • crud
  • curdnit
  • sugar
  • oh rats
  • oh snap
  • or if you really need to vent you can yell...Dingy, Dang, Darn!
I never heard my oldest sister use bad language and she has managed just fine throughout her life.  Instead she taught me little prayers when I was small.  Now you know what's wrong with me today!  There was never much cursing in our house until my brothers came home from the services.  Then they used vocabularies that were never uttered in our house before.  The sad thing is that they didn't even realize what they were saying or had said.  Cursing had become an automatic habit of speaking for them.  Is cursing your favorite mode of conversation and expression?  Think about it.


Profanity is the last refuge of the ignorant.  A single profane
expression betrays a persons of  low breeding -Joseph Clark.

A foolish and  wicked practice of profane cursing and swearing is a vice so mean and low that every person with sense and character detest and dispise it - George Washington.

Words are sacred.  They deserve respect. If you get the right ones, in the right order, you can nudge the world a little. - Tom Stoppard.

To swear is neither brave, polite or wise - Alexander Pope.

Words are very powerful..they can make or break, build or tear down.  Try to use the RIGHT powerful words.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Greetings Mabel,

All I can say is Amen!! You are so right on your post. For those who have already been in the bad habit of using those little nasty words it is a hard habit to break but it can be done.

I was never allowed to swear growing up but I sure heard it out of my father and even some from my mother. Of course a couple of my brothers swore but mostly no one did it on a regular basis, thank God!!

When little children do it, yes, I tend to look at the parents for not teaching them better even if they were not the ones who were swearing around the children they should have disciplined them better when they realized the little ones were picking it up some place.

Profanity just does not sit well with others and it is something the bible admonishes us not to do.

Great post Mabel!!

Love, Alice