Wednesday, August 17, 2011


My brain is on vacation or sabbatical, if you wish.  My neurons didn't synapse.  In other words I have no inspiration to post or general, non  important, wordy fluff . All I can say is  I meant get a lot done, but didn't...LOL!  What else is new?

I did get some sheets through the washer and dryer, the dishes washed and the trash out for pick-up.  I had in mind to tear the kitchen apart and super-cleaned, and the trimming outside done.  I didn't achieve my goals of the day, though.  Maybe because I didn't sleep well last night and was still awake at 5 AM this morning.  I have those nights occasionally.  Tonight I will sleep.
I bought 60 inch outdoor shoelaces.  That's as long as I am.  I bought it to thread through a $1.00 plastic Cross I bought.  If I were to lose it while working in the yard it would not be like losing a solid silver cross and chain and I could easily replace it.  The rugged shoelace worked fine...better than I expected and doesn't look bad either.

I ate two pears from my pear tree.  I planted the tree years ago when it was just a "twig."  I had pear juice running down my chin.  I wish the apple tree hadn't blown over in a storm a few years ago...sigh.

This is the end of my meanderings.


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