There are all kinds of prayer, modes, religions and practices I would not fault any of them as long as they recognize that there is one God over all. My preference is the God of Abraham who became the God of Christians by the emergence of Jesus who shed his blood for man. You could say He(God) kind of "morphed" slowly over time, so that we could take it all in and "evolve" Little brains have we, and often as not, smaller spirits.
I do use a prayer book. I read most of it aloud to myself in the morning and at night. These are audible prayers for myself. They are also a disciplining prayers and a confirmation of my prayers, a kind of glue to hold it all together. There are also prayers that I have learned by rote or by memory. You know, practice makes perfect, a type of vocalizing of all that I want to express. After all, are communing with God so lets not mumble...mumble...stumble. Try to get some of right!
To me, and I again remind any reader, that I am NOT a theologian, prayer is the offering of the essence of my spirit. You must give as well as take. You must be cognizant that your are a part of the GOD picture that has been painted with the blood of Christ or at least know that you are "heavenly, wonderfully made."
O then, there is mediation-a silent prayer, reflection, and a kind of prayer that's a whole lot harder than what we generally assign ourselves to do or practice. I get SO distracted! My mind(and eyes)flit from here and there, my thoughts tumble about like falling leaves in a wind storm. It is hard! It is hard to keep your(my)mind from wandering. It is a practice. And it is a discipline. It is a prayer of mind and soul; a melding of the two.
Maybe that is why I write in part, this blog, attempting to put all prayers, thought and meditations in some kind of order, picking out that which needs to be sorted out, kept or tossed. Boy, do I need to toss out a lot of distractions and mindless mental wanderings!
If you pray already your ahead of the game. If you want to move on to meditation, find a quite place away from TV, radio, or if possible, people. A book about meditation might be helpful. I like classical soft music in the background. Try to make it your comfort zone. Give yourself a time for quietude..10-15-30 minutes . You may not notice a difference in your self at first other than a "time out" or a restful serenity. You don't even have to be "religious," but I hope that you are. And guess what! It is just what every parent needs, as well! A TIME OUT for yourself and from the world around you..
I have a confession to make. I am a glutton. I love pies, candy, cake, ice cream and cookies. I am not overly...overweight, but I could benefit from losing 10 to 20 lbs. Wow! To be teenage weight again! So...I put all my cookies, cakes and candy up in the freezer where I can't get at them!
Just in case your wondering...this has been hard post to write. I am not an expert and I am not truly satisfied with this short essay. I can only say that prayer and understanding it, is not easy.
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