Friday, August 5, 2011

Intercessary Prayers.

I really did not intend to write about anything of the religious or spiritual nature tonight, but someone has asked me a question and I will try to answer it as simply as I can.  Remember, I am no theologian or an expert in Canon Law(not even close!).  You can find most of the answers in the Old Testament and in the New Testament.

For intercessory payer is the REQUEST for prayers for myself or someone else.  If in my prayers or meditation I say, "Holy Mary, pray for us..." I am requesting an intercession.  Whenever we say "Pray for me" or "Pray for Susie Q" we are asking for an interceding prayer.  We often do and ask without thinking about it.  We can call it a kind of "lip service" where we really don't think in depth that we are calling for or using a powerful invocation.

When someone sneezes and we say "Bless You" without a thought it becomes an automatic response.  Is that bad?  No: That it becomes automatic is something to think about 'though.  To invoke the blessings of the Lord is to call for the highest good and benefit we can ask for or give.

There is nothing wrong in calling on the Mother of Christ, the Saints or the Angels, to assist us.  Gabriel heralded Mary, Mother of God, as Blessed.  As she is blessed, we should feel free to call upon her to pray for us.  We are not praying TO her as some would argue, but asking her to intercede for us.  We do give her  high honor  as God did.

If your mother, father, sister, brother, family or friends ask YOU to pray for them, offer to and do pray for YOU and your needs...that is an intercessory prayer.  Or YOU can offer and pray for them...again it is an intercessory prayer.

No, I am not praying to a statue or an image.  They are reminders to help me focus and not become distracted by everyone and everything around me.  Kind of like the stop light at the intersection; If we don't keep our eye on the stop light there is a good chance we will drive right through it.  Statues and or pictures help us keep driving along in the right direction.

You have a cross in your church; so do I.  You probably have stained glass windows depicting the Life of Christ; so do I.  You probably have a moment when your are asked by your minister or priest to pray for all those in need.  At the end of your service you are probably given a blessing and exhorted to go in peace.  These and more, are all intercessory prayers and blessings.  The Old Testament is full of intercessory prayers.

I hope I haven't muddied the waters too much trying to answer a question with what I hope is a simple answer.

May the Good Lord Bless and Keep You and save you from non-theologians like me.  Look to your Bible or spiritual adviser.



Unknown said...

Greetings Mabel,

Thank you for writing about intercessary prayer. I truly appreciate your views on this subject. And especially from a Catholic's point of view. I am guilty of thinking you pray "to" the Mother Mary as that is what I always heard. I appreciate you clearing that up.

I agree that we can all pray an intercessory prayer for someone. I wonder though do you think we can pray an intercessory prayer for someone's forgiveness and salvation or is that something they have to do themselves?

It seems there is a lot of misconceptions on many people's parts regarding how Catholics pray. This post is a good clarifying lesson for all. Over the years I have heard many judgmental and negative comments made about Catholics in general and especially about how they pray. That is why I asked you to write about it.

I have many Catholic friends, I do not always understand their ways but I do not judge. It is not up to me to do so.

I really enjoyed your post and have gained some knowledge and insight. I thank you so much for taking the time to do it. May God bless you for your efforts.

Much love and blessings,

Anonymous said...

You pretty much said what i could not effectively communicate. +1

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