Saturday, August 6, 2011

Take a Break

I'm giving myself and any readers, a break from the spiritual and religious post that I have written this past week or so. Sometimes the well runs dry and needs time for the "trickle' in effects of fresh thoughts to seep in and fill the well. My brain isn't very big and will hold only so much, let alone impart with what little there might be sloshing  around in the small cranium I was gifted with.  Aren't you glad for time out?  Instead, I will post the ordinary, mundane events of the day and week.

Yesterday I took some books back to the library and picked out four more for light reading.  I also stopped at The Dollar Store for crackers and some mini cookies-gotta have cookies.
I needed plain sewing needles for repairing a hem so I got some of those, too.  I know I have needles, but I never can find them when I need them.  They had Dawn dish detergent on sale again.  I got another gal. for three dollars.  After all that "hard shopping" I took myself to the Chinese Restaurant.  The cashier was new; a woman about six foot tall.  I have never seen a real tall Chinese woman, I didn't star at her, so there.

This morning we got some rain.  I didn't have to fill the birdbath, but the weeds and grass are taking over everywhere.  "It's a jungle out there!" Maybe on Monday I can get the yard half-way caught up and presentable.

Yesterday I paid off the debt for the electrical work that was done when the power went down.  It was about $600 dollars and it took most of my S.S. check.  That is why we stock up and prep. isn't it;  for the unforeseen and unexpected?  There is food in the pantry and freezer and there is what I have canned.  I won't need to buy much this month, but I won't go hungry, either.  A little fasting would probably be good for my waistline, 'though!

There you have it. An ordinary, mundane, run of the mill post.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Greetings Mabel,

Yesterday I was so worn out I just rested and got basically nothing done. This moving is wearing me out big time. But I need to get back at it steadily again. I move the computer on Tuesday so I will be hit and miss online after that until the end of August. But I could not pass up the great deal I got by moving it early. So it is worth it.

I guess we all have ordinary mundane days so don't feel alone.

Hope you have a blessed day in the Lord!

Love, Alice