Thursday, August 18, 2011


We need rain.  It started to rain, but just fizzled out with only a few drops here and there.  North of here it did rain quite a bit, but it bypassed us here on the Ohio.  I parked near a sewer line and hatch and the essence of heavenly human perfume and aroma permeated the air.  YUK!  The sewer system could stand  a good downpour and cleansing via a good old thunderstorm.  The temperature is  75 F. and the humidity  is 70% so we may get rain yet
I went to the library and got a book to read and a few Cd's to listen to.  As my taste in music is different than most I will not mention the titles because they are mostly classical and instrumentals.

I also picked up several packages of crackers.  I eat the crackers in the morning and with my medications...sometimes in between.  It has been a quite day and that's the way I like it.


1 comment:

coley said...

Quiet days are very nice from time to time or at least that is what I here lol. Enjoy it!