This a is a short post on basic economics. It is easy to comprehend.
I have a pretty green strip of paper with intricate printing on both sides. It measures about 6 inches by about 2 inches. It is called currency or legal tender. In theory I can exchange it for something of equal value.
I also have a plain sheet of typing paper. It has no value. However, if I take that same sheet of paper and print a picture of a jar of coffee or some similar item of value I should be able to exchange it for some other item of value that I want or need. Until I run out of coffee or what ever I am offering as that I base my "currency" upon. Don't try this at home as it is only a teaching model.
In theory the dollar bill and all paper money is backed up by gold. Try exchanging that piece of green paper for gold. You will get nothing. THE GOLD STANDARD DOES NOT EXIST. Nothing for nothing will get you just about nothing. However, if you bring me a piece of paper with a picture of a jar of coffee I have offered and have backed up with something of equal or better will get something that you need or want of near or better value. Just don't try printing your own currency or you will be deep, dark water without a floatation device.
Now you know economics 101. It is also the reason that people barter. Now you know why people need to work two or more jobs to make ends meet. And you also know why we have a silent inflation and the dollar won't buy much.
I stay within the law of the land and have great respect for the real laws that our Founding Fathers put in place. Now you know the reasons that this once great nation if floundering, trying to swim through red ink, misuse of the laws and trickle down corruption. Failure usually starts at the top and recedes down to the lowest levels just as it did in the days of the Roman Empire. Do feel like you are being fed to the lions or the Bankers and top heavy Big Governments? I do. Paper is only paper. Think about it.