I took the eggs out the fridge last night and let them warm up to room temperature. Today I boiled them over low, slow heat. I also put a tea towel in the bottom of the pot. That seems to keep the eggs from getting to hot, too fast and cracking from the temperature variations. Out of five dozen eggs only two cracked. I get to eat them. Tomorrow they get turned into deviled eggs. I am taking my time with this as I really don't like doing deviled eggs. On Wed. the eggs go for a ride over to the Home to be consumed by residents and staff...and Sisters, if they want any.
I went out a little this afternoon to pick up a couple of things, but I am glad most of everything is done. Or at least everything that I am going to do. I hope the"Epiphany Party" turns out well.
I didn't have water for several hours today as the city is putting in new main lines. It would have been nice if they had warned the neighborhood. I think that I may have been better off than most as I had five gallons on just plain water on the back porch. I also already had the eggs done-boiled. So I had my tea and didn't suffer too much!
When I went out it was sunny and half-way warm, but as the afternoon wore on it became cloudy, windy and chilly. You can count on the weather changing quickly in Kentucky. That's just the way Mother Nature flaunts herself around...she is a bad girl...sometimes very bad. She will either be cold hearted or hot and passionate. She has an "in between" nature, but it doesn't last long or not long enough.
I guess now that the water is back on I will wash cloths in the morning. And wash the dishes that I didn't get done today. There aren't many, but still there are a few.
On Wednesday I expect to get home late and to be tired. I don't know if I will post anything Wednesday eve. I will take a few pictures of the party and try to post them in a few days. The days move swiftly and I can't keep up with them.
Proverbs 3: 19
Even when the chill winds blow or when the rains fall, when the sun rises or sets, I am aware that all that I see, feel or know; all is God made. We are very clever, but we can not ever equal what the Lord has rendered. Try it...you and I can not duplicate the works of the Lord.
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