Friday, May 3, 2013


I worked up enough courage to drive myself to First Friday Mass.  It was perhaps not a good decision, but I wanted to go to Mass and I did.  I took as many side streets as possible, but still had to take a busy street near the church.  I was careful and made it.  After Mass I waited until most of the cars left before I drove out of the parking lot.  I just wanted to be there; go to Mass, so I did.

I guess I won't be able see "right' still the other eye "matches" up with the left eye for acuity, comfort and stability.  I can't wait for this to be completed.  All the while that this is in progress I must basically stay in and off the road, for when I do have to drive, I am using extreme care and stressed.  Too bad, so sad.  I will get over the inconvenience and count my blessings, but in the mean time...girrrr!  I hate being side lined in such beautiful weather!

Last eve. I made Fish Chowder.  It turned out OK, and yes, I cheated.  I used one can of potato soup, one can of whole corn, a packet of instant onion soup and about 1/4 of a package imitation crab meat, cut up.  Just put it on the stove and cooked/heated it up as everything was already cooked.  It was pretty good, but in the future I will use creamed corn instead of whole corn.  Not bad as it was. 'though.

Life takes courage, determination, and above all, a strong faith.  Right now a member of my family needs all of the above.  She is going through "Chemo," has lost a lot of weight, is in pain, and is very, very sick.  She definitely had a good influence on me in my early childhood years.  As I do not want to "preach" to her, I would be pleased if some of you...or all of you, would pray for her.  So...can you spare a prayer or two?


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