Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Done for the day

This has been a busy day for me.  It has been as active as it has been since May 14.  I got the go ahead from the eye specialist to get new glasses after he did the follow up exam. Then I got back to my regular eye Dr. and was tested for new glasses.  He said I might not want to wear them all the time, but I am "lost" without something perched upon my nose.  I asked for glasses that would me look sexy, but I was told "too late.  They will do a rush job on the prescription because of illness in the family.

That has been the gist of the day.  Now I am tired and nearly ready to tuck myself into my bed.  Bed will fill good because I have been on the run all day, starting with going to Mass, getting gas, zapping across the bridge to one Dr. then zapping back to the other Dr.  At least it has not been a boring day.

We had some rain and a little thunder last night, but nothing like what went on in OK.  It tried to sprinkle today, but never I guess the bad weather is headed east now.

On Friday I take my van to the Car Dr. and get the air conditioner recharged.  You can not drive here without air even if you open the windows.  You just get hot air, an the humidity was 79%.  Lots of rain, high humidity and hot sun makes the grass very green or "blue" in Kentucky.

Acts 17: 28

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