Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Day 7 of 40....GLORIFY GOD

Romans 11: 36

For me, this day 7  of Lent, with a long way to go.  Will I stick with my penitential resolutions, good deeds of positive works of character?  One can only pray to do so and to persevere.  Pray with me and for me as I am trying hard to continue the journey.

For this day I am seeking to reflect the glory of God in all that I say and do.  That's why God made us: to give Him all the glory and love that is His due.  Did you think that He put us here to bask in our own radiance?  We revolve around the Son; He does not revolve around us.  He has no need to.  We are the reason He came to earth in the form of Man, so that He could expedite and forgive us our sins and that we glorify His name with Love. 

You know that Love is a four letter word.  You can Love in this life or hate in this realm God created for us.  While most of do not think of the two words as opposing one another, they do.  We just don't think. You make your choice;  Love a lot or not.  To not Love the God who made you is like hating yourself.  And to not Love God is to seek excuses to do what we want, when we want, or to whomever we wish.  If you or I don't Love God we simply open the door to all the ills of the world, including hatred and evil.

Did you glorify God today?  Did I?  Did I slip or fail at anytime through this day?  Of course I did, but not with any intention of doing so.  I am in His image, but not perfect.  It is a Loving God that lets us pick ourselves up out of the dust pile, shake the dust off and lets us start over.  Each day, hour or minute is new for us, but is eternal for God.  Even so, God won't wait forever, for as He is without end, we are not...at least not here, where we are, and now. Reflect the Glory of God in all things that you are capable of, and eternity is promised to all that Love Him and His Holy precepts.

Today I thought I would try to fix some tiles that have come down from the ceiling.  The tiles that I have are really of poor quility and were breaking as I tried to set them in place.  Besides, dirt was coming down in my face.  I guess I will wait 'til the weather warms up and have someone come in and do the job for me.


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