Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Where two or more are gathered...

Spiritual growth generally does not happen overnight, but to clarify that, in some cases it does.  In some there is an ephiney awareness of God's presence and graces.  For most,us it is a progression from a spiritual infancy, adolencene, a degree of maturity and a continuum of 'senior moments' of grace and absorbency into the enfoldment of a of God's love.

Lent helps to grow in the spirit as we evaluate, meditate, open to and receive God's love.  We don't change overnight.  What and who I was yesterday is not who and what I am today.  Tomorrow I will be different than I am right you and all of us will be.  Small...or large subtle changes occur in all of us minute by minute,  day by day, time into time.  We are not stagnant mentally or physically.  Do you want to be?  Not I.  I want to grow in the spirit of God and become as near as I can, the person, the creation, that He intended me to be.  I want to love the Lord and to acknowledge His love for me.

This evening there was a holy hour/exposition at church after mass.  It wasn't as cold as it was last Wed.  However, most of the people left early or just dwindled away and out the doors.  It reminded me of The Agony in The Garden, when the Apostles could not keep vigil with Christ as He prayed and struggled with the knowledge of His coming sacrifice.  I stayed.  It was long; an hour and a half.  I did not want to abandon Christ on the alter as I know that He is ever present to, in, and for me.  In the end there were only about four of us left to give adoration to our Savior.  But we stayed, Lord, we You have for us:  Ever constant...ever present. Amen.


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