Thursday, April 22, 2010


When I was a kid I loved canned Ravioli. Not so much anymore 'though I do keep it in my "stock"in the pantry. Now, as I grow older, the filling taste like mush and I can make mush on my own. Instant noodles live in my pantry, too. Many a college student has lived on instant noodles and survived to tell about it. It's cheap, quick and filling. Is it good for you? Read the labels. If you enlarge the picture of the back side of these three you can see for yourself.
Ravioli has 950 mg. of Sodium witch is salt, eight g grams of fat and 8 grams of protein. 0 carbs and that is good but 32 grams of carbs which you might want a little less of. Plus all kinds of additives
Ramen Noodles has 760 grams of salt, 60 cal. from fat, 27 g. of carbs, 0% 0f cholesterol, and 190 calories. No protein was listed.
Express noodles has 13 g. of fat, ) cholesterol sodium 1,550, total carbs 35g., 280 calories with 120 of the calories from fat, and only 5g. of protein. The saturated fat is 30 %.
Each has multiple additives of one kind or another, but the Express Noodles with the whopping 1,550? That is way too much is as one shouldn't be getting more than 2,400 gr. of salt per day. 1,550 of sodium/salt is more than half your daily allowance. Less salt=healthier people.
Instant noodles are OK occasionally, but don't try to live on them. They will lead to fluid retention which just isn't good for the heart or kidneys.
The rain that we have been expecting has not arrived yet, but all the southern and some of the mid-west states are getting really tumultuous weather. It is the season. Do you have your preparations ready? Do you have flashlights, extra batteries, food and water on hand? Be ready because Freddy, the Nightmare Weather Fiend visits when least expected and feeds off the unwary.

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