A painful week-end. The right side of my face/head has been giving me fits and extreme discomfort. Good thing I already had an appointment to get my crown this morning. A couple X-Rays latter and the "root" cause of the nature of my discomfort is...an abscess in the tooth right next to the one that just got done.
When I had a severe elbow fracture and surgery I didn't take much pain medicine. Theses past few days I have taken everything I had on hand. I started with aspirin, then Darvocet and finally Percocet. The Percocet was for a surgically repaired arm that I had on hand and never used. That tells you how much agony a bad tooth can cause: worse than a severe fracture and repair.
I am now on an antibiotic and goo for a root canal next Monday. There is still pain to deal with, but a half of a Percocet will help with the discomfort. When your teeth hurt-you hurt all over. They say that about feet, too. I hope the dentist realizes that I am making payments on that big, beautiful Chrysler he drives. So...I am getting hurt in the pocket book, too!
I didn't get much done this week-end. Instead, I have been moaning and groaning and trying to make my head stop hurting. Now, maybe I will get busy and concentrate on other things besides my face.
It's supposed to rain off and on most of the week. I hope the garden spot will dry out a little. Time is wasting. It is cold, too, but I can deal with that. So, what's new in your life?
1 comment:
I have not posted in awhile as I have been waiting for something profound or funny to write about. As I wait for "blog worthy" type moments I realize that my current state is "blog worthy". Here is your warning this post is NOT going to fall into the category of cheerful or funny or informative. This post is just a bit of reflection on our past couple of weeks. Life is not always easy and often throws us some rather intense curve balls. I need to write about some of those if I want this blog to truly reflect "Madson Life".I am not going to sugar coat this...Our school year has been mostly sour with a few sweet moments that our God has graciously given us to help keep the momentum. The sweet moments have come in the form of encouragement from amazingly wise people who love us and our children and promise God will not give us more than we can handle. He has given us the perfect children and there is a right answer for us, for our family. Unfortunately for our children we are learning as we go and they get to deal with our failures and successes along the way.
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