Friday, April 30, 2010

Too tired

I won't write much because I am pretty tired. I went over the part of the garden spot I wanted to plant. I used the baby tiller which is OK, but it's kind of hard to hang on to. I didn't as much done as I did yesterday. I did get the front yard mowed. After I got the row raked off and marked out I did plant a 30 foot of red onions. I have at least enough onion sets for another 30 feet. I didn't get the beets or turnips in. I'm old and it ain't easy-never was. Gardening is work intensive.

I went to bed early(for me) last night and went right off to sleep and never even rolled over until 7 AM. I won't get much do for a day because of the heavy rain . That will give my body a chance to recover.

As I write the news says that St. Louis has had some tornado touch touch downs. That is west of here by about 120 miles or about a three hour drive. This the storm we are expecting.


1 comment:

Solid Rock or Sinking Sand said...

I came across your blog while surfing the internet. Great posts. God bless, Lloyd