I got the garden tilled. When I was at the library I found an add on the message board for tilling. When I got home I called the number and the garden was nicely tilled within the hour for $25.00. It is much better than I could have done and completed deeper, too. The man had a small yard tractor/tiller and went right to work. Now all I need to do is rake it off and plant. I guess this is the way to go .
The garden spot does not look very large, but it is long. You would be surprised what and how much a small garden will yield-good stuff!!
I went shopping this afternoon and found bananas for 00.49 cent a pound. It's been a while since I have seen them that low. Eggs were down to 00.99 cents a dozen-but who needs eggs!! Everything else is high, but maybe some prices will come down now that Obama has saved the economy...hmm.
I stopped at Captain D's for lunch and there was a goof ball guy arguing with a little flea sized man of old age about the army. Goff guy said he wouldn't go into the service. After looking at him and listening to him I decided the Army really wouldn't want him. He had a tummy bigger than a barrel and a mouth even bigger. If I had been the manager I think I would have tossed him O-U-T on his F-4 butt. Just the other day I heard on the radio that over 500.000 men of military age were too obese to qualify for the services. I saw one today.
We are still expecting bad weather and I think this time we will get it. The air is very humid and the sky has been dark off and on all day. That is the main reason I wanted to get out and get some odds and ends from the grocery store. Now I have milk, bread and bananas.
1 comment:
Ahh...wish I could have a garden again.
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