Friday, April 2, 2010


There is a picture of the big red machine that will not start. I put a new fuse in it and it may be starting to charge. There is a shot on the right of the Prune tree in blossom. It has been pruned back quite a bit. The blossoms won't last much longer due to the wind. There are still some bees in the blossoms. You can see where the fence was bent when my neighbors tree came down on it. In the background is a big brick rental house that is actually a log cabin that was covered up many years ago There isn't a window on the backside of that building and not many in the front.
I am steaming greens and onions along with what is left of the chicken I cooked the other evening. It really smells good.
Supposedly the jobs are coming back and companies are hiring again. Of course, there are all those thousands of census workers and IRA workers that just got hired. And there is talk about taxing churches again. I won't hold my breath waiting for that so-called recovery. Neither should you-whoever should be reading this. There is also talk of food shortages due to the weather and natural events that are delaying or ruining the crops. Here, the farmers are trying to get their corn in early.
Today is good Friday. The churches are being attacked. If you think your own church is safe from Marxists, Progressives and Socialists, look to the past to see the future. Right now it is the Catholic Church that is being targeted, but don't worry, yours may be next. If religion and its precepts can be undermined or destroyed the world will go back to what it was 2,000 years ago. It would be a nations/countries of chaos and the heavy fist of whatever government may be in power. Unless your a Muslim: then they would just cut your head off. "Off with their heads!" Except for maybe Obama, he might get to keep his because he is a "head of state." And we gotta keep our heads here, don't we?
Well, my super is done and calling my name, so I will discontinue rambling and amble into the kitchen and feed my head..I mean face.

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