The sun was out and so was I. I spent a lot of time trying to recover the yard from the Blue Grass of Kentucky. I mowed the back and the front and it looks pretty good. There is one small narrow stretch that I left because it is on an incline and wet and hard to mow even when it is dry. I put the grass catcher on the mower and put all the clippings in/on the garden spot, esp. over the "wild potatoes" that are coming up. Instead of hilling the potatoes I will put clippings on them and see what happens. I am looking for Ronald Reagan's "trickle down" effect for the soil. I am sure the garden spot is depleted of natural nutrients and chemicals as I have used the same area for years now.
I really put in a good day's labor and am tired. I didn't feel like cooking so I made a trip to Wendy's and got the combo meal. I know, money spent and gas used up...what can I say.
Two weeks without TV. I got the bill that keeps it in "hibernation"...or an active account, but no TV or distractions. It was less than $10.00. That in itself, makes it worth the self deprivation-denial. And I am getting more work done, too!
The guy next door who left his mower and trimmer out in the rain for the past few weeks...can't get his trimmer started...imagine that.
The people on the other side are moving and it looks like they are leaving quite a mess. Maybe they will clean it up...who knows.
I need to go back to the library. I read what I had in short order. In the eve. when there is no TV and the radio won't play because of the weather and lightning, you need some good books.
I am happy that I got 99.9 % of the yard work done because we are supposed to have more rain tonight and tomorrow. I hope that tarp holds and the roof doesn't leak too much.
I have more Sun Tea steeping on the patio table. I think I will let it steep overnight as I got it out late. There ain't nuttin' bedder den Sun Tea. And here is where I end for now.