Friday, April 15, 2011

Rhubarb and Gremlins

I have had a lot of computer problems this evening and had to run the built-in restore program.  That seems to have done the trick.

I didn't get all my yard work done today.  I did get the front yard mowed, but didn't trim because my little nose ran away from me and then I started hacking away...cough...cough.  The air is full of pollen as the green grass grows and the trees continue to leaf out.

I went and set in the back yard for a while, and then tried to mow along the fence again.  There is something about the mower that drives that DOG next door crazy.  That DOG tried to jump the fence to get at the mower.  I think I will have to fill a spray bottle with ammonia and carry it with me.  I hate to do it, but it may be an option.  If DOG gets over the fence...and almost did...I don't know if DOG would be content to just go after the mower.  After all, I am attached to the mower.

I wanted to get everything done outside because we are supposed to get rain in the morning and heavy rain in the afternoon.  Time to get the buckets out again.  The insurance adjuster is supposed to come, too, and I wanted everything to look nice and tidy.

I have a nice Rhubarb plant near the back patio.  It is just about to blossom out.  I will can some of it and freeze some.  Rhubarb Pie..Yum!  I will take a picture of the blossoms.  I did last year, too, because they are very large and pretty.

This is a short post because I spent too much time messing with this laptop.  I went to use the big Dell and the keyboard wouldn't work.   I'll tell you what is working very well, thank you...gremlins are busy with my computers.
Luke, 11: 24

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good morning Mabel,

We are to get rain here today too. My day is full with appointments and errands. Wish I could just stay home and rest. I am having a very painful day. :-(

Good luck with your computer problems. They seem never ending sometimes. I need to do a good clean up on mine but am holding off until after Frank's birthday on Tuesday. Then I will save all my files to disc and do a full recovery on the computer. Its good to get it really cleaned out once in a while. I actually like to do it once a year but have not done it in almost 2. Its slowing down a bit now.

Hope you have a great day, in spite of the rain!!

Love, Alice