Monday, April 25, 2011


The rain never stops.  It lets up for a few minutes, and then starts all over again.  Not a little rain, but heavy, heavy rain.  And of course, it pours through the roof,  I can no longer use my living room.  I don't dare turn on the light because heavy rain is coming in through the light fixture.   The carpets are starting to smell and the pails and buckets are full to the tops...So far I have heard nothing from my insurance co.

I went to a local roofing co. and they are supposed to put a tarp over the roof to help keep out the rain.  This something that should have happened over a month ago, but I have been waiting...and waiting for word from the insurance Co.  I am not at all happy with this Company.

I went to the Dollar Tree to get some Ibuprofen and on the way back passed a bad looking accident.  There was an elderly man there trying to direct traffic.  I was thinking that I had passed a police car on my way in and wondered why the police were not there yet. I passed by that same location...there set the police car...doing nothing...or as far as I could tell...doing nothing other setting there near the red light. 

Yesterday my Easter meal was a really good rib eye steak, medium rare, cooked in garlic butter.  It was all I wanted and all I could eat: It was a good sized rib eye.  I couldn't have eaten more if I had wanted to because that steak was filling.  It was yummy darn good.

I think that I will forego scriptures and items of Biblical interest for a while.  I may also stop putting my blog up on Face Book.  No one much has shown much interest.  I guess people only go to God when they want something.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Greetings Mabel!!

We have been the same with the rain but today it looks like we might dry out for a few hours.

Don't stop doing what you are doing with your blog. God sees, God knows and He is really the only one we need to please. I love your blog and miss reading it rarely. That only because appointments or some other such thing takes up my time, but that is rare as I usually get up early to do my online thing, LOL.

I think I would be on the phone with the insurance company and hounding them every day until something is done. The squeeky wheel gets the grease. They are always quick to want their premiums but not quick to pay on a claim.

That ribeye sure sounds good!!

Hope you have a good day and you get some dry weather too.

Much love and blessings,