Saturday, April 9, 2011

warm around the edges

Right now I have two fans running.  Yesterday it got up to 85 and today it was about the same.  Tomorrow, Sunday, it is supposed to be near 90 F. and then cool off a little.  We went from a funny spring to a funny summer...sort of. I hate to turn on the A/C this early in the season.

I received my really big check from the money market fund.  I made the whole of 3 pennies of interest on it.  That tells you that it was not so "really, really big."  Three cents?  Darn!

I started an new book; a western.  TV is just poor and re-runs.  I am thinking of putting DISH network into hibernation for the summer months.  It only cost $10.00 per. month to keep  it there and you can have it re-activated at any time.  I always did this when I was still working, but after I retired I kept it on all summer.  Such a waste of time for junk summer shows.  So, maybe I will call on Monday and have it put into sleeper mode.

I am lazy tonight and don't feel like writing all that much.  No one reads it, anyway.
Isaiah 55: 6
Jesus praying in the garden
1869 wood engraving


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Mabel,

Just call me "nobody" LOL.

I have several fans going too. But I do have a friend coming over to help me get the window air conditioners in. I hope not to run them a lot this early in the season but Frank has problems breathing and I might need to turn them on. Like you our temps are now running on the high 80s side of things. We are suppose to get thunderstorms tonight and have a bit of a cool down.

I am grateful to have a friend willing to help with the a/c's, I can manage the one, but the other is a huge unit that cools most of the house. I can't move it at all, alone.

I plan on taking the next month off from ceramics to get the house and yard in order. Lots of work to get caught up on for sure.

Have a great Sunday!
Love, Alice