Wednesday, April 13, 2011


I sent my Dish Network into hibernation or "pause" for the summer.  I will have it in sleep mode starting on Sunday at midnight.  No, I don't have a bill that needs to be paid.  I can keep the TV off until mid-September.  I will have a nominal fee of $12. 00 per. month to keep my account active.  Do you think I can make through the whole summer without a TV fix?  I can get my news from the Internet and from the radio, and I read a lot.  Plus, there are things that I want to get done and to do during the warmer months...other than watch junk shows and re-runs.

I think I want to get back to some serious writing, something other than this poor blog.  I have stories I started and have not finished.

This laptop is not really great for any serious endeavors.  It has been freezing up and doing weired and strange things.  I am lucky that I have a big old Dell that I bought a few years ago from the tech. guy.  It is big and clunky, but it will do the job.

I just took the trash out for pick-up in the morning.  It is a little nippy out and this morning I had to turn the heat on for a while to warm the house up a bit.  It got down into the lower 40's after the rain swept through.

 A lot of people have tried to get their gardens out too early and are starting over.  Tomatoes will not set until the night time temps are in the upper 50's.  It is OK to put potatoes out now and some of the lettuces and "cold plants," but don't get in too much of a hurry.  I have seen ice storms in late April that came out of nowhere...or across the plains and prairies.

I opened up a can of Ravioli and heated it up for supper.  The stuff taste like dog food, whatever that tastes like.  And to think that when I was younger I liked the stuff.  Yuk.  The meat filling has the flavoring of sawdust. Yuk..Yuk..Yuk.  I suppose that I should be grateful that I have food to eat, but I won't be buying any more.
John 8: 12
Enlarge by clicking on picture to read poem.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good morning Mabel!!

I have not even headed to the garden to do any work yet. I am hoping I can get to that over the weekend. All these appointments keep me hopping and tied up.

I don't much like canned ravioli any more either but will eat it in a pinch.

Got the big air conditioner in yesterday with help from a friend. Glad to have that job done and out of the way.

It was 55 when I got up this morning and already in the 60s, so it is going to warm up pretty good today.

I love the picture with poem. Very nice!!