Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Leaky Roof Syndrome

 I went to Hillard's and Lyons this afternoon and closed  out my Money Market fund.  I never had a lot in it and sent most of it to my sister more than a year ago.  I hope that what is left will be enough to get the roof patched.  It is not a really old roof and I think that a couple of those wind storms we had...has pulled up some of the shingles.  I hope that is all it amounts to as Money Markets are hardly productive unless you have a lot of money in them for the long term.  I hope a patch job is all it needs, as rich I am not, and there are a couple of other repair jobs that need to be done.  Owning a house is more than just having it paid for.
That looks like me, above...running about the living room with buckets and baskets, trying to catch the rain.  It is a little unsettling to be watching TV and to suddenly have a faucet open up over your head...LOL's!

After the storms went off into the east, and north east, it became cold really quickly.  Even 'though I had turned the heat way back, it came on in spite of my efforts to conserve.  It isn't real warm today, either.

I have been looking through the sale ads that came in the mail today.  I found that the Dollar General Store has canned vegetables for 40 cents a can.  I will go to the big grocery store sale on Thursday or Friday, and I picked up some paper goods that were on sale today.  There is a continuing motive to my madness: inflation is here, and who knows what the government is going to do on Friday. Plan ahead, if you can, and being prepared is even better.  I am fortunate that I have the time to look at all the sales and then can act upon the sales that can be applied to my needs(or money).

1 Cor, 9:4
John Wayne



Kip Whitehead said...

Better repair the roof before another storm comes in! If you can’t get a new roof, patching it up would be the best solution. First of all, see if you can mend the problem yourself. If it’s just a simple leak, try looking for it and sealing it over. If you can’t, have the professionals do the job for you.

Unknown said...

h, yes! One of the most dreaded problems we encounter – a leaky roof. If you are irritated by it, temporary fixes are a must. Patch the leak with roofing cement or use a roofing tape. Covering a leak with a tarp is another solution. But, like I said, these are just temporary. You would still need to call a professional to fix your leaky roof and prevent further damages.

Allyson Sunde

Kristopher said...

Heavy storms can really be bad news to the roof. Strong winds can blow up shingle out of their places, and worse, they can carry things that can hit and damage your roof. Anyway, it is good that you intended to fix the roof after the storm. Anyway, how’s the roof now?

@Kristopher Diss