Thursday, April 21, 2011

This has been a busy day for me.  I didn't get everything done that I had in mind to do, but I am tired anyway.

I got the backyard mowed late this afternoon and it looks fairly spiffy.  I discovered some "wild potatoes" growing in the garden spot and decided to let them grow and see what they become.  They are from the potatoes that I didn't get dug up last fall when the ground was so hard, due to the long drought of the summer.  I hope I can get the front done tomorrow, but it may rain tonight and most of tomorrow.  I haven't heard from the Insurance Co. yet, so I may soon be growing weeds in the living room...and yes, I am feeling desperate.  I may have to "mow" the carpet..yuk..yuk.

I did some minor shopping and got my Nestles' Creamer.  And I bought an Apple Pie.  I didn't think Alice would send me one, either... so I got a "store bought" one.  Generally, I don't buy ready made pies, but today I splurged.  It isn't half bad.  No, I don't bake pies just for myself and I.

The man who sells me frozen meat from his truck stopped by.  I got 5 cases of various frozen steaks for $100.00 bucks-marked down from $259.00.  I get good deals as I am pretty much on his route at the end of the day.  This may seem extravagant, but they are always nice, thick juicy steaks.  I will not need to get more meat for sometime.  He hauls them in, and packs them into the freezer for me.  I don't have to spend the time, gas or effort.  My right arm doesn't like working too hard, so it is a good that it is all done for me.  That is also why I a rolly cart so I don't have to carry in groceries.

After everything hurts, esp. my right arm.  Considering that the surgeon said I would never mow grass again, I guess I can deal with a little discomfort.  I have Lortab for pain, but don't like the stuff.  I do just as well with Tylenol and without the weird again I say..yuk..yuk.

It never even got up to 65 degrees today.  I am wearing a fleece sweat shirt and the temps. are going down for the evening.  I wonder if people will ever get their gardens in here in the KY. state.  If not, they may get a little hungry.
"A picture is worth a thousand words"
Easter is this Sunday

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good morning Mabel!!

Ha! I might have sent you a pie if you had asked, but I have not done any baking in a while now. Been just too busy.

It is raining and thundering here again. I should go to the grocery store but might put it off another day. I am beat. Need to get my weed whacker on the charger as I hope to do some yard work tomorrow if it quits raining long enough. The grass is so high in the back I am going to have to hit it with the whacker before I can mow. :-(

I have not even got my garden uncovered yet, never mind tilled or planted. Gonna be a late season if we get anything in at all.

I wish I could get the bargains you seem to be getting on meat and things. Between the cost of food and gas I just don't know if we will make ends meet next month. :-(

Hope you have a blessed day!
Love, Alice