Monday, April 4, 2011

Kentucky Rain

Yes, it rained pitchforks and hammerheads.  Lots and lots of rain.  So, the local radio station started playing "Kentucky Rain" by Elvis Presley.  There were tornadoes to the south with damage and injuries.  Where I live...we lucked out again, even if my roof did leak.

 Finally got hold of BIG BROTHER HARRY this afternoon.  He says where he lives in Dallas...they need rain.  We reminisced about the Clove Road and the Cole farm and how there are no farms left in Montague, NJ; how the water table has been affected and the drying up of Red Brook where he and Pete caught so many trout.  Yes, we are all getting older and our memories perhaps dimmer, but we remember what Montague used to look like; a pretty little valley in between the state park and the ridge on the other side.

I went to cook my supper of steak and onions, green beans and potatoes and  I found a funny potato in the bag and took a picture of it, then peeled it and then cooked it and...ate it.  It looks like a big heart, doesn't it?  It was all good and I have some left over.

Potatoes are really very good for you.  I cup of raw potato contains B6 mg., 21me. of Cal., 47 mg. of mag., 130 mg. of Phosphorus, and 969 mg. of Potassium, all crucial for heart and brain health.
There is a big grocery sale coming up on Thursday and Friday, a two day only event.  I already have my list written out. 

Joel 12:  Part 11, vs. 30


Unknown said...

Greetings Mabel!!

I hope Harry is doing OK. I keep him in my prayers, I know he has his hands full right now.

The potato is neat, looks like two grew together to form the heart.

Gotta love those grocery sales!! I think that is about the only way a person can keep food on the table today, is the sales. I know if I had to pay full price for everything all the time we would go hungry or go without meds. God bless America!!

We have an election today for city government. I hope it gets shook up a bit, we sure need that.

I am off to vote then go fire the kiln. Hope you have an awesome day!

Love, Alice

oil painting workshop said...

I like your blog!...Daniel