Friday, April 29, 2011


Even though I put these pictures up in order, they did not appear in proper sequence.  I used every thing I could find to soak up the rain water, including ads and old mail, buckets and whatever I could find. It just wasn't enough.  I have buckets and baskets and plastic bags and anything I can find, trying to stem the flow.  It was raining down the walls.  The insurance adjuster came back and took more picture of the inside where the walls and ceiling are buckling, and of the wet couch and chair.  Oh, happy days

Big "puddle" on the plastic  
Super Soaked here and behind.

More soaked carpet.

Buckets and plastic and old ads.

You can't see where the rain rain ran down the wall.

Hale turned the street white last night.

More hale.

Some more hale on the steps.

The insurance adjuster came back from Nashville and took pictures of the inside damage of buckling panels, ceiling, wet couch, chair, and of course soaked carpet.  It is getting black mold along the wall and the carpet stinks.  I have turned the floor furnace up, trying to dry things out a little.  He also put a tarp over the open area.  I already had a tarp.  He has it held down with bricks.  If we get more wind the tarp will be on the other side of the state.  It isn't his job to put up tarps, but the roofing co. has not shown up yet.

I went to the Salvation Army this afternoon and found a couple bargains.  I will post a couple of pictures of them tomorrow night.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Greetings Mabel,

It was nice of him to put the tarp up but I sure wish he would get you some more money so everything can be fixed properly.

I hate seeing this happen to you because you are such a good person. I pray God will make a way for you to get through it all.

I woke up with a migraine this morning so am going to keep this short before I head out to run some errands. More storms on the way here today. :-(

Love ya, Alice