Thursday, April 28, 2011


I did get my haircut yesterday.  All I can say is that it short, esp. on the sides where I don't want it to be.  However, it is done.

I drove to Rural King, the farm store, and got some wide mouth canning lids.  I have jars.  I looked at the jars and they are "pricey" to say the least.  I think I can get jars cheaper at China Town(Wal-Mart).  I just don't like t go the Wal-Mart, esp. when the checks come out.  It becomes wall to wall people.  I don't think you save much on groceries there, either.

I spent nearly $100.00 out of my itty bitty S. S. check already.  $45.00 for eye drops, money for gas-$20.00 doesn't get you very far away from a gas pump and it can only get worse.  Here is where Momma's Oboma could a put a cap on gas...but he won't.  And I spent a little at the farm store.

The local farm store is pretty high when it comes to buying food staples.  Coffee there, is about $9.00 a can and a 10 lb. of sugar is over $8.00.  So, I only buy what I want/need there for, plus 2 small flash lights.

I do most of my shopping at the DG(Dollar General) Store, Family Dollar Store and the Dollar Store.  I may buy some at the Sureway if they have a good sale going, but no one has any good sales on right now.  Even Wal-Mart has nothing of great sale value, and believe me, I watch all the sale ads carefully.  The Wal-Mart CEO says things are not looking so good.

Like Barbecuing , do you"  Charcoal is about $8 bucks now.  If you eat out you pay more, plus the tip, unless you go to Windy's or Mac-World.  My favorite place is the Golden Corral and the price of the buffet has gone up, there, as well.  It is downright scary to see large people load-overload, their plates and go back for more several times over.  I guess they want to get their money's worth.

Now, if you didn't before, you know why I "stock up" and prepare for hyperinflation.  Call me paranoid, but I will have food in the pantry and food in the freezer.  My advice to anyone who may read this is to stock up.  I have coffee, beans and rice and a few other food staples.  Harry(brother)tried to stock up, but his wife found his "treasure stash" and gave it all away to charity.  Charity is good and noble, but "Charity begins at Home."  If you can't take care of yourself first, then how can you take care of others?

I stopped blogging for a while so I could eat my supper.  I cooked a large potato and a round steak in cheese sauce, in the pressure cooker.  Either it was very good or I was very hungry. 

As I was enjoying my meal the thunder started rolling.  We are about to get our daily dose of rain.  I knew we couldn't get away without some of that stuff.  We have had about 18 inches of rain so far for the month of April and the month isn' quite over yet.  I carry a small flash light in my pocket, one in my pocket book, one in the bathroom and one for the bedroom.  Now you know why I bought two more today.

I emptied out one bucket and need to empty out another and be ready for the next storm.  The containers are so full and heavy that I can't lift them.  I have to slide them along the floor to the b.r. and then hoist them over the rim of the tub to empty them.  Life is full of little challenges!

I need to mow that hay field of a yard that surrounds the house.  The rain is good for the grass. too good.  I bought gas for the van, but not for the mower.

It is getting colder.  I am stopping here to put on my warmies and make some hot tea.

and the sirens are going off, now.
P.S.7 PM

Hale, we are getting tons of it. 
Will post pictures tomorrow.
The streets are snow-white.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Greetings Mabel,

I am off to get my hair cut shortly. Then I have counseling and this afternoon I go to court to get my order of protection against my ex husband renewed. Seems I never have time to slow down and relax these days.

The rain stopped here for a few hours yesterday and I managed to get my yard mowed again in between showers. I only had to do the front and the side because my landlord came over with his riding mower and did the back for me. Oh how I appreciated that as I was not really feel well for the task.

Praying you get some dry days soon. We are suppose to have a little dry today and then rain again this evening into tomorrow. :-(

Frank's blood levels are getting back to normal so no more shots in the stomach. Praise the Lord!! He was having a terrible time with those shots. Monday we find out the results of the biopsy and if he has cancer or not.

I agree with you regarding charity, it does begin at home. I try to keep a well stocked pantry too. I am always willing to help someone and often do. But if I am laying up stock for me, it is for me, except under a dire emergency.

I keep Harry in my prayers as I know he is going through a rough time right now. I pray for you as well. You all are like my second family. Actually, better than the first one, LOL.

Got to run. Have a blessed day!
Love, Alice