Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Yummy Soup

I made homemade chicken soup with vegetables this afternoon, as I said I would. It turned out pretty good. It could have used a very little more salt, but not much. I still have a half of chicken left; it was a big chicken. I think that it will go into the freezer until I use up the soup.
I went on a candy binge and I do mean binge. I can go so long without a candy fix . And then I give in to my cravings...big time. It's a good thing I am not a diabetic or I would be comatose right now.
I went and got fresh gas for the the new mower and put the oil in it. Right now the battery is charging. It takes about 8 to 12 hours for it to charge up and be ready to cut grass. It is a big mower; I hope I can handle it on the curves. It's a 6 hp. self propelled mower and I had one just like it several years ago. It was a great machine until my neighbor "borrowed" it. She would just come into the yard, take it, use it, and then bring it back while I was working. This new one is locked up.
I have a trimmer that needs some repair work, but that will have to wait while I get my garden on track. I lost a part on it and have to replace it. I have a gas trimmer, but can't use it because I can't pull the cord with my with my funky arm. So, it's back to electric tools, but I hate the running and then the gathering of the power cords. You do what you gotta do .
I think some of the tomato seeds have sprouted and I know the herbs have, too. So I need to get with the program, don't I.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Chicken and Dumplings

This evening I am using an older computer just to keep it active. I don't have pictures on this one, but that's OK. I just want to fire this one up and warm it up and keep it up to date.

Anyway, I made some Chicken and Dumplings this afternoon, and of course, I have eaten a sampling of the dumplings. I had save all the broth, fat and chicken skin and tossed that in with the chicken for added flavor. I don't eat chicken skin, but the fat and skin do add to the flavor. It turned out well. I still have broth and chicken left so I will add vegetables and rice to it for soup tomorrow. I will get several meals out of that one, fat chicken.

The kid next door lifted my new, big mower out of the van and carried out to the back patio for me. In return I gave him a bottle of homemade wine for his efforts. When I say "kid," keep in mind he is a kid to me. He wants to join the army so He is old enough to have the wine. I think he wants to get away from his Mother's situation as she is living with a guy that is no too much older than her son. The pain...suffering...that parents inflect on their children.

My face and jaw are much better today, but still sensitive to hot and cold. A friend says that I have spent a fortune on my teeth. I really haven't, but I do want to maintain my teeth as long as possible. Your health starts in your mouth. If you can't chew your nutritional health declines when you can't masticate your food. If you have cavities you are introducing bacteria into your blood stream. A lot of Doctors say cavities-bacteria-can lead to heart disease. You already know that people on anti-bacteria/anti-inflammatory regimens have healthier lives. They have named it Chelation. If you are rich and famous or you can afford it...go for it.

Chicken and dumplings served well tonight; soft and flavorful and easy to chew. Tomorrow I will eat the veggies.


Monday, March 29, 2010

Dental Jackhammering

Yeah, that's what he done. He used a big old jackhammer on my tooth. Yeah, it did hurt. Didn't hurt the dentist. 'though.
I was in the dental chair for about 2 1/2 hours getting a new cap/crown. Whatever. I guess now I have to wait until it is made as today was the making of the mold and a temporary cap.
Possibly the worst is over? I hope so because today was an ordeal of dental proportions. And the bill hurts, too.
I didn't get home until after 5 PM. Every was RR crossing was blocked by a really long train and they were switching tracks, too, to make way for another really, really long train. I had to turn around, go back through town and go home the long way. By the time I got home I had to really, really go to the bathroom. I just made it. Ahhh.
So, I am not in the proper frame of good will for posting. I was hungry to boot. I did cook a chicken , but didn't roast it as I had intended. I put it in the pressure cooker and cooked it the fast way...except I forgot to turn the pressure cooker on. A half hour later I was wondering why my house wasn't smelling delectable, went to check the progress and oops, had to push the bot ton in(digital and electrical) and wait another half hour. I finally did eat and it was pretty good.
I got my utility bill today, also. By turning down the heat on the pretty days and opening the blinds for sunshine and light, I got my bill down to $117.00. I hope to do a little better on the next bill, but there is only so much you can cut down on. Summer is right around the bend and so is the air conditioner usage. Every little bit saved helps.
Anyway, I think I will take an Advil because I feel like I have a brick in my mouth...and go to bed shortly.
Bye y'all....END

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Mid-West Springs

It's early spring in the mid-west. You can expect spring to be as usual, tumultuous, sometimes violent with tornado's, high winds, severe storms, full of surprises or hopefully uneventful.
If the winds of fortune send misfortune into the mid-west, south or anywhere, you can't count on anyone but yourself Will the government, your aunt, uncle, sister, brother, be around to assist if things were to upend. Possibly, but your family or support group may be in the pickle as you may be. So, I continue to urge people to prepare for the unexpected.

extra bathroom tissue
paper plates
disposable cups
paper napkins
Add to your supplies a little at a time, according to your budget. Just try not to "dip" into your stock other than for rotating and updating. If I happen to buy fast food while I am out and about, I do save the plastic cutlery and all those extra napkins that are tossed into the bag. The plastic ware is washable and can be used a few times before they "give" out. Extra coffee filters are nice for straining various liquids; even gasoline and oils. Just keep prepping.
There isn't much going on: TV is and ordeal of visual and auditory brainwashing and the dulling of my limited good senses.

Friday, March 26, 2010


A weed is a weed if you think it's a weed, but a forager sees a weed plant as food on the table.
The small inner leaves of this plant can be used in salad, soups or stir fries. The tall stalk in the center of the plant holds the seed pods. The seeds can be dried and ground into flour. Now is a good time to "Gather as ye may."

If you are not a forager, prepper or survivalist you probably will not pay attention to this information, but there is wild food everywhere. This plant is hardy and prolific and grow from Sea to Shining Sea. It grows in vacant lots, fields, along roadsides and even in the cracks of sidewalks. It's easy to recognize, gather and prepare. loaded with vitamins and minerals packing more ommf than the drugstore supplement bottles.
No one should be hungry in America.

Last evening's Tea Party meeting more than doubled in attendance. More chairs had to be found...and then again... more chairs brought in. There are now 3 Doctors and a Pharmacist coming to the meetings as it continues to grow.

A very interesting video was shown and you can find it on U Tube's webpage. Enter KNOW THE TRUTH-HEALTH in to the U Tube search box and up it comes. Click on the site and then the video. It's well worth watching and will open your eyes. "BLOOD WILL SHOOT OUT OF YOUR EYES," as Glenn Beck is fond of saying.

Now, here is what makes me mad. I had this...a better post...ready to post. I hit the publish the neither world it went. So, this is a redo and I haven't spent the time on it as I did the first.


Thursday, March 25, 2010


Do you ever wonder how we got so far away from Mother Nature and succumbed to relying on canned goods, vegetable, and multiple vitamins? Everything we need for survival can be found in nature, but it convenient and expedient to go to the grocery or drug store. Yes, I am guilty of it, also. There are some things I must get from the drug store, like eye gtts. for Glaucoma and blood pressure medicine for high blood pressure. So, even though the Constitution say we are all born equal, we may not stay that way as we meander through life and into old-er age.
However, I do try to forage when I can. A few days ago I wrote about Dandelions. I cooked some with my steak, volunteer onions, and other greens. It was a pretty good meal, high in fibre, minerals and vitamins. I intend to forage as long as the spring season permits.
Now, about Dandelions. Some groceries stores do sell them, but I haven't seen any locally, so I have to pick my own. Get your greens while the are young and tender, before they blossom. As they mature the leaves will become bitter. Wash them well, stir fry, boil or broil with other vegetables and or meats. A little salt, pepper and butter is very good for flavor enhancement.
The dandelion buds can be picked and fried was well. When the flower is in full bloom you can harvest the pretty, yellow blossoms to make Dandelion Wine.
Harvest the tap root, clean well, slice thinly and use it in soups or as a vegetable. The white crown just above the root and the leaves is also edible and tender. Dandelions are just loaded with Mother Nature's medicine: She has her own large Dr's bag.
If you type in edible plants into your search engine you should get You can type in edible plants and Amazon has several paperback and hard cover books available at reasonable prices.Don't forget your local library for a wealth of information about foraging.
Tomorrow I will try to post about that other "weed" pictured on the left shot above. And do you know the French cultivate Dandelions as a cash cash? .Yup, they do
This, being a wet, dreary day, there is little that can be done outside unless a good drenching appeals to you. It is a good day to get small, household chores done. I am posting this early as there is a Tea Party meeting this eve.
Outta here. End

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Wild Onions

The wild onions are up in abundance, here and there and everywhere. You won't have any trouble spotting the wild onion. They are taller and greener than any thing else in the early spring. And of course, they smell like onions. As every forager knows, they are edible, cooked or raw.

American Indians loved them, cows love them and people love them. They are a tasty "weed." And foragers will gather them up as they are abundant from the east coast to the Pacific, from Canada to Mexico.
There are many ways to consume the wild onion. I like mine sauteed in butter or in soup or just cooked with vegetables and meats.

Your best bet if you are not a forager, is to go to the library and get some books on edible wild plants with color plates or a good field guide. If you can find wild foods and seeds you will never go hungry and you won't be reduced to eating insects, worms or grubs as Bear does on Survival Man.

There are several verities of wild onions, wild leeks and wild garlic. All of them are members of the Lilly family. If the plant does not have the onion or garlic odor skip it. "The Nose Knows."

A really good place to forage is along old railroad beds, open fields and along ditches. You can find wild plants in your own back yard if you do not have chemicals or a bunch of stray cats bothering you. Be sure you wash your greens well and enjoy them. Wild greens have a ton of natural vitamins and minerals and you won't have to pay for them at the drug store or Wal-Mart.

Now then; I went to pick up my new mower at Lowe's this afternoon. Of course, they came trotting out the wrong mower. I bought and paid for an electric start mower because of my funky arm. After short hassle I got the right mower. They said someone marked the wrong box. Now that I finally have my little tiller and mower it's gonna rain...and rain...and rain.

Done and Done-End

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Weeds, machines and wabbits

What is this weed? It is highly invasive in Western Kentucky. The honey bees,which are few and far between, seem to like the small purple flowers. Someone told me they are called "Henbit." I looked it up and that is what it is and very hard to get rid of.
I got the little tiller out of the back van, dragged it from the alley to the the porch, opened the box and put it together. Putting it together was the easy part. Getting it from there to
here was the hard part. Now, I just hope this one works.
Tomorrow-Wednesday-I go back to pick up the mower. They are putting it together. It's a heavy mower; I hope I can get it out of the back of the van without too much trouble.
I spoke to big brother and he has put the idea of raising rabbits for meat into my head. I will have to think about that.
The End

Monday, March 22, 2010

Irish Wake and a bad turn for America

Lady Liberty stood for us all
Lady Liberty took a bad fall
All of Obama's minions
And all of his Dems(Democrats)
Can't put THE LADY
together again.

We will ALL be attending her funereal. We will place Freedom in a coffin and nail it shut. We will nail it loosely because there are more inalienable rights to crowd into the box. We will respectfully enshroud the casket in the American Flag. We will mournfully carry her flag draped remains through American streets. Then we will have a traditional Irish('though she was a saucy French maid) and celebrate her demise(as the Democrats are)and have a lifelong hangover for the the life of the Democrats.
What to watch for.
  1. A renewed assault on the right to bear arms. A disarmed nation can not defend freedom or the liberties that were guaranteed by the Constitution.
  2. Control and taxation of the Internet. When a government controls information and communications, they control the people. Many newspapers and news outlets such as TV and radios are already under the government's thumb.
  3. Control and taxation of the churches. Control and taxation will usher in and a society without values morals and a firm foundation for a social government. Seperation of church and state? It has been done before in Italy before and during WW1. Think Oboma won't try it? Hmmm.
  4. New amendments to the Constitution according to government's dictates.
  5. A change in Presidential term limits. Roosevelt served 12 years as President. When he died Congress put term limits on the Presidency. Congress can repeal or amendment term limits...per arm twisting..back room deals and times of National Wars or imminent dangers.
  6. Tweaking of the health bill that now one wanted and increased taxes in order to sustain the bill. When 300 million people are supported by only 20% of the class working, there will be trouble in paradise.
  7. War on Social Security. The aged that have paid into the system all their working years-most for 40 years or more, will become the new, very, very poor.
  8. Medicare will be parcelled out according to some bureaucrat that has never been sick, but has the very best health care provided by the government which the working class pays for, but is not provided to the average American
  9. The dumping of many recipients from the Medicaid rolls. Medicaid is a nice word for welfare with a lot of perks and advantages that a working stiff can never acquire. There are many that really need Medicaid and should have it, yet there are many playing the system.
  10. Wars and more wars. The military machine keeps the economy grinding along.

The grab-ation and control of private pensions and transfers of funds into the general funds to balance the budget.

If you are in non-agreement or can add to this list, then do so. Just don't ever say you were never warned.


Saturday, March 20, 2010


When do things ever go according to plan? Hardly ever. I have my garden spot all cleaned up, trash all raked up and bagged, ready for tilling. Got my handy dandy, brand new, out of the box, electric tiller, power cord cord connected according to Hoyle...Nothing. Not even a buzz. Checked and rechecked, read instructions and re-read the simple directions. Try it again. Nothing. Changed power cords and outlets and checked connections again...Nothing, not a buzz, click fizz. Well, SPIT...SPIT...SPIT!!! I've done every thing multiple times except swear, curse or kick the blankity, blank thing.

Re-load into the van and drive back to Lowe's to return the implement of torture. The guy says, "Didn't you just bring this back yesterday?" "Not me," says me. Obviously, someone else was spiting nickels and fuming and brought one back. Not me, yesterday, but I did today. I got a replacement for the first one and I hope this one will work.

My day that I planned on for tilling is gone. It is supposed to rain and you can't till mud. You can make mud pies and toss them at the Troy company that made that little tiller, but you just can't make hay while the sun shines. Troy garden tillers used to be the best of the best. I didn't look well, but I will bet that most of the parts are made in China.


buy yeast
dry/instant milk
canned/evaporated milk
canned goods
according to your budget
good can opener

If you do not have garden tools this is a good time to look for them at yard sales and flea markets. Now is also a good time to do repairs that didn't get done at the end of the last garden season. Clean up, fix up, sharpen up and garden up.


Friday, March 19, 2010

There is always tomorrow

I've been out "foraging" in my garden area. There are volunteer onions, spinach, Swiss chard, various mixed greens, lettuce and even some dandelion greens in the photo. These will make a nice salad along with a hard boiled egg and some crisp bacon pieces. If you are going to forage a bit now is the time to do it. Wild mushrooms and wild asparagus will be available very soon, if not already. No one should go hungry in America; If people just knew where and what to look for. A really good book to read is a foraging book by Euell Gibbons. Your library should have his books, and probably Amazon has them, too. I have 'IN SEARCH OF THE WILD ASPARAGUS.'
I guess I got a lot done today. I took my old patio table apart, dragged into the back store room, put it back together again and set it up in front of a sunny back window. This will be my potting table. I seeded 24 little pots with Beefsteak Tomatoes. 12 are made with year-old chicken poo and 12 are in left over commercial potting soil. I am waiting to see which one will do best. I am late in my starters because of the past weather unpredictability. It isn't all that predictable even now.
I have left-over tiny potatoes that I will try to use as seed potatoes. The are not very big, but most have "eyes." I also need to start sweet potato slips, but there is time enough for that as the weather is going to get cooler-not cold, but not a good time to plant sweet potatoes. I think I can go ahead and start my winter squash seeds and let them get a good start. I will use larger pots for them. I love winter squash, split, seeded, smothered with butter and baked.
Some things that I don't want in the garden. No Okra or flowers to take up the room that I need for the food I like to eat. I will put in a few green pepper plants and the onion sets came last week. I picked red unions this year and hope the grow well as I like unions quite well.
This my list so far. I hope to till tomorrow on Saturday. The soil is drying fast, but it's supposed to rain tomorrow night. Of course, it will need to be tilled more than once. Wish me luck. My funky arm held out pretty well; it doesn't bend much and it's weak, but my left arm "talks" to it and I get the job done. I hope I can get my transmission into high gear and get everything done that my little head thinks of doing. So be it.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Tulips hatching out.

Above on the right are Crocuses coming to bloom.

Lower right corner are more Croesuses not ready yet. Too bad they don't last long.

I went to Lowe's and got a new tiller and paid for a new mower. Both are Troy brands and the tiller is electric. The mower is electric start. Hopefully both will be easier on my funky arm. I hope to till tomorrow or on Saturday. Right now the ground is too wet and soft. If the next two days are equal to this day the soil will dry out quickly. There are a few volunteer plants I want to pull up first. I think I can make a fair salad with the plants that are springing up in the garden plot.

There isn't much going on unless you hear the grass growing, which it is. Several people have mowed their yards already-on the 17th and 18th of March. It will get cooler, off and on, so I will wait. By the way, Kentucky Blue Grass is a deep green.

Time to close the doors and lock them. I had them open for awhile and turned the heat down to nothing. Let the fresh air blow!


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Tooth Fairy, leave a quarter under my pillow

You have all heard the expression: "Not tonight, I have a headache." I have a headache. Maybe it is from the Dentist, the stuff he put on my teeth or the contemplation of the huge bill I'm gonna get for a crown. Yes, it all gave me a headache. $1, 500 is a lot of money to lay in my old out age. I would like to keep my teeth for a while yet because maybe next year I will be able to afford a nice, juicy steak and I will need teeth to eat it with.
I go back to the dentist on Monday-probably for a mold. Then it probably will be a six week wait: it was last time.
Because I have a a funky head and didn't sleep well last night, I'm going to bed soon.


Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Me mudder was a Collins, her mudder was a Beebe and her mudder was a Joyner. Me fadders' mudder was a Cragan and his fadder was French-English-Irish, so me is more Irish than anything, me thinks. But no difference does it make 'cause everyone is Irish for the day.

No, I do not worry posting about all those surnames 'cause every phone book in the country has miles and miles of the same surnames.

The Irish potato famine brought us here. If you have never read about the Potato Famine that decimated should. It will open your eyes and you may even see the parallels of the excess of government powers and controls even in the 1850's Millions of Irish died of starvation while the government and the rich and powerful stood by and let it happen. Don't think it can't-won't-isn't happening even now.
Well, this didn't start as a political blog, so I digress.
When I was small I actually tried to find the end of the rainbow on our farm. Too far...too far.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Culural-Ethnic-Religion-Rich-Poor Divisions

I just read a so-called Survival Blog that has made do a slow burn. If this nation is to survive as a free people we to need to get our act together and be on the same page and recognize "UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL."

The divisions and fall of many great nations--cultures and or ethnic groups started with open condemnation...persecutions of various peoples or micro- societies--that didn't think--pray--or live as "WE DO."

The Romans and the Greeks had mythical Gods made of stones or metals. The Romans dominated and persecuted the Jews and then the Christians. The Christians were partial to roasting dissenters and witches and probable Saints on a nice big, open bonfire. The Puritans liked to dunk their witches and crazies in a cool, blue pond..."can you breath yet?" How crazy was that??

The trend of re-cycling persecution continues well into and... past the "AGE OF ENLIGHTENMENT." Back to the future. Blame, persecute, eradicate and terminate all Jews and any Christians or Muslims that stand in the way. Thank you mid-20th century. Every nationality, creed, color or religion has been subjected to such stupidity, immorality, blame-game, hypocrisy, prejudices, monetary rip-offs, brutalities and sheer doltishness. See? I told you I was doing a slow burn.

WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER!! A weak, divided nation will fall; It will not stand. As this country sinks deeper into swamp of morass, the boogers can and do at times, get meaner and pettier. If We don't take back America and conduct ourselves as our founding Fathers intended, then we will become another second class people struggling to stay above the impending feudal system-and or a dictatorial conglomeration of bankrupt states.
Heading for the hills won't really solve the problems of Americans. Americans-Constitutional Americans, must face the ever increasing fall of freedoms and liberties. Are you up for that? Are you?
The blog site I read that ticked me off is:
At first glance/reading you may not consider this an innocuous site, but re-read and see why I did the slow burn.

Saturday, March 13, 2010


It's time to reset your clocks ahead one hour as the days are getting longer. Actually the days are NOT getting longer. A day is still measured in a 24 hour cycle, give or take a few nano seconds. We just think the days are longer because of the tilt of the earth's axis and more sunlight-daylight is is available to assuage our senses. Or I could be wrong. Obama may have lengthened the 24 hour earthly rotation by--oh say--an hour or so, by Executive Order--so we all could work longer and harder and pay more taxes. After all, he does sit at the right hand of God...don't ch know...and he has the power. At any rate, don't forget to set your clock...SPRING FORWARD.

JUST IN TIME. I got off the phone just in time to catch the dryer shutting off. Perfect timing as I don't want to my cloths to lay in the dryer and get all wrinkly. Because then I will have to get the ironing board out and iron...who wants to that? My washing machine and dryer do not have all the whistles and bells on purpose. The more technical gadgets and electronic gizmo's or parts in a appliance, the more that can go wrong it. So I keep to the basics. Thus far, my washer and dryer have made it 25 years with only the replacement of one knob...knock on wood.


Buy salt. Buy a little or a lot according to your income. The human body needs salt. People also need table salt with iodine to ward of thyroid problems. Salt is used in, curing, cooking, minor medicinal purposes and also in baking.

Buy baking soda. Baking soda has multiple in uses as in baking, cooking, medicinal and hygienic needs.

If you can afford to, add baking powder to the list. This items store well in cool, dry areas and will last for years.

Sugar or honey should also be on your list. Sugar should be well sealed against moisture and heat...and ants.

I am considering posting a short Preppers reminder list each Saturday. Most preppers know and have these items already, but a few new readers may wonder through and maybe....benefit.

What do you think?

Friday, March 12, 2010

LD-lazy day

I decided to take the day off. It has been raining pitchforks and I didn't want to get hit by one. We are finally getting lots of rain. I can't get into the garden plot to finish up my cleanup. I had thought about going shopping, but again, I didn't want to be pelted by a flying cat or dog(you know, raining like cats and dogs). So I just stayed in and practised the art of "lounging about." I must admit I'm pretty good at it.

I fixed a chicken casserole last night-a packaged mix. I made it better by adding real chicken pieces and broth. I have only a little left and I will finish it off tonight by adding some left over soup and calling it super.

I got a bag of LITTLE SMOKIES out of the freezer and intend to make another casserole and add some vegetables to tomorrows meal. The problem with making casseroles is they are easy to make and easy to eat. In other words I am always up for a second helping.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Tea and thee

Yup. I've been to another Tea Party meeting. There is another in two weeks on March 25th. It is a "take back America" driven agenda; not so much about taxes, but that is part of what is also ailing this nation. And it isn't a forum for rebel rousers, either, as there people from all professions and occupations in the group. One member is a Dr. who related how he had a private patient who was bleeding internally and how he couldn't treat her until she meet a government criteria for using the proper drug. He is absolutely against the so called health bill now in legislation.

Do you know there are only 20% of working Americans paying taxes for the other 80%. I thought paying into the system for 40 years would ensure my Social Security benifit, but social security was transferred into the General Fund under Clinton in order to balance the budget. The government want s to put private pensions funds into the General Fund, also. My IRA has disappeared and there will be not cost of living raises for S.S. I think the Democrats will balance the budget through attrition. Let the elderly, the sick and disabled die off and the NEW WORLD ORDER will inherit the wind.

Speaking of wind, we didn't get that rollicking good thunderstorm that was supposed to toss us out of our beds. Others did get it and it rained all around, but not on my house.

I am pretty tired now , so it's off to my favorite place-bed.


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Robins and Cardinals

I need to backtrack on my comment about Glenn Beck's book THE CHRISTMAS SWEATER. I referred to it as fluff and a feel-good book, which it was. It was also inspirational. Given Glenn Beck's theatrics, I am not sure how much was absolutely true, but that doesn't really matter: it is the message that matters and that it a fairly good book.

The day was superb. It was in the low-low 70's. Perfect. The Robins and Cardinals were happy attendance, congregating in my back yard. I had a dish of rice that was getting old so I put it out for a birdie banquet. It didn't take long for the guests to arrive at the table.

I got a little more done in the back yard, but didn't finish. When my funky arm starts to talk to me, I stop. I don't have that much more to clean up from the garden. Tonight it is predicted to be a stormy night. I probably won't get much done outside tomorrow. That's OK; I need to do some cleaning INSIDE.


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Where are you in the scheme of life?

Where are you in the scheme of life? Are you plant, animal or fish? Are you barbaric, civilized or still on the bottom rung of the ladder? Do you ever wonder what, who, or where your going as you travel through this life?

A silly question, I know, but do you ever think about the "whys" of your existence or who made you?

This is a short post as I have been out and about today. I went the library and picked up Glenn Becks's little book about THE CHRISTMAS SWEATER. It is kind of a fluff, feel good book...not heavy reading, but a nice diversion.

Wed. is supposed to hit 70 degrees...perfect outdoor working weather. My plum tree and pear tree are starting to bud. I hope we don't get a sudden frost when the trees blossom.

Thus, this day is over. I will make some hot chocolate and go to bed, a very fine place, indeed.

Visit THE OLD GEEZER BLOG. It is a worthy site.


Monday, March 8, 2010

Glass vs. Plastic Cookware.

I've been thinking . As I worked in the garden plot I was thinking about cookware. What we cook in is just as important as the food we cook and eat. Cast iron, stainless steel and glass cook ware are probably the best-most healthy utensils to cook and serve in. Granted, cast iron does leach some iron into your foods it is generally not a harmful element. Glassware and stainless steel are inert. They do not leach metals and other chemicals into you food. I have glassware, some cast iron and some Teflon cookware. I try to avoid the plastics. Some plastics are touted to be "microwaveable safe." I have had microwaveable dishes-plates, lose their shape, melt and develop melt rings around the edges of food that was cooking. So they were not so "safe" after all. Plastics and Teflon emit or leach BPA into your food. That can't be good. Look up BPA and then avoid it as much as possible.
Often vegetables are processed in cans that have a white linings inside. Uh Oh, bad stuff. meats are packed on black plastic trays, sealed in plastic and treated with a gas to keep it looking fresh longer.Hmmm, not so good. What choices do we have? Hmmm, not so many.
I try to to avoid plastics, but it is hard to accomplish. Keep in mind that plastics are a petroleum derived product. You wouldn't drink oil, would you? Everywhere you look there is plastic trash in the air, on the ground and in the landfill. If we did away with most plastic products this would be a cleaner, healthier country. It's like smoking, you know it's bad for you, but you just won't quit. We will pay for our dependence on plastics.
Buy glassware and use it. It is an economic, sensible cookware that can be used over and over and passed on as long as you don't get silly and brake it. I have Anchor cookware that is at least 30 years old, strong and viable. It is like the famous batteries; It just keeps on cooking and cooking.
Something that you may want to Google...BPA.
The day didn't come off as predicted; it was supposed to be in the 60's. The sun didn't appear until after moon. Still, I got some more garden clean-up done and filled a couple more bags.
There is probably at least another bag's worth to pick up and set out for pick up. I am making progress.

Saturday, March 6, 2010


I have been trying to clean up the garden area a little bit and get it ready for planting. I ran out of yard bags and will have to get some more. I didn't get the job done in the fall because I was still "picking" stuff and then we had some bad weather.
All living things want to survive. I found a few onions that had been "missed" and some lettuce that is struggling to grow. There are a few other greens defying the cold and snow.
It was around 54 degrees today and is dropping down into the 20's overnight. Sunday-tomorrow- is supposed to be about 57, rain Sunday eve. and possibly 60 on Monday. I better get my work done so it can be tilled and ready.
I got a few more seeds in the mail and am waiting for the onion sets and asparagus roots.
Is it spring yet? Maybe.

Friday, March 5, 2010


I bought 8 more packages of yeast as I intend to make more homemade bread. If you have never eaten home made bread or smelled it baking, you have missed one of the pleasures of life. It doesn't taste like the paste bread you buy in a plastic wrapper at your grocery store. It doesn't stick to the roof of your mouth or gum up and cling to your teeth or dentures. It does stick to your tummy and give you a satisfying felling. It doesn't have chemicals, preservatives or unknown additives that can't be pronounced. Home made bread is the staff of life that has nourished mankind down through the ages. Home made bread has actual flavor and can be actually chewed. And it is good for you. It is the real deal in food, but not in fast food because you make it yourself...or maybe your lucky enough to have someone to bake it for you. Good things and good food take time. If you are a survivalist or a "prepper," baking is a good skill to develop/acquire and or teach because you can make/mill many of the common grass seeds. After all, wheat was a wild "weed...grass," eons ago.
Bread has only flour, water, oil or butter and yeast as the main ingredient. You can find wonderful recipes on the Internet or in any good cook book. You and add nuts, raisins, fruits, or spices according to your taste or whims. Make bread and enjoy life. Remember the parable of Christ dividing the loaves and the can share, too.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

photos and gadgets

I just got home from a political meeting and found some messages on the phone about Harry. Harry is my oldest brother and he turned 78 today. He is celebrating his birthday in the hospital with blood clots in his legs. Now I know why he didn't answerer the phone this morning when I was calling to wish him a happy birthday.

Anyway, we are trying to dislodge the "Good 'Ol Boy" system of government here in our locality. They have become apathetic as well as non-performers in local affairs and needs. I will help where I can.
Normally I don't post pictures of weapons, but here is a picture of my little "pea shooter." It is a 25 cal. automatic. No, it is not a big pistol, but 6 or 7 little bullets are bound to hurt like heck. Not even a deadly weapon unless you strike a vulnerable area. Yes, It is registered and I do have a license to carry.
I had put it away sometime ago, but got it back out recently when I discovered huge footprints in the snow under my bedroom window. So, someone better be a very careful prowler.
Someone commented that I didn't have enough gadgets or pictures. Some of the best blogs have none, but have lots of readers. I know that gadgets and photos are more interesting, but are also time consuming or just not available. I do my best.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

movie and bread

The bread turned out well. At first I thought it would be a a bread flop because it wasn't as pretty as I thought it should be, but as they say, "The proof is in the pudding(bread)." Anyway, I sliced of a few slices and took them to a friend. I only had the one loaf, so she only got about half.

I went to see SHUTTER ISLAND. It is a pretty good movie, but again, there are some four letter words to contend with. It is definitely an ALFRED HITCHCOCK kind of movie. You cant foresee the end until you get there.

That's about it for this day. END

P.S. I don't remember if it is Alford or you know?

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Reading done

I have finished reading this batch of books. Two were very good and one was so-so. Too many four letter words in the so-so volume. The novel I most enjoyed was a historical fiction-murder mystery entitled CITY OF SILVER by Annnamaria Alfieri. Really a good good book. The other book CATCHING FIRE was something of a fantasy, but what could be in the future. It is the second novel authored by Suzanne Collins. A fairly good book, also. Of these two books, not a vile cuss word to be found. Which goes to prove authors don't have to use nasty vocabularies and you won't have to be afraid to leave it out in plain view.

Now, I will let my bloodshot eyes recover before I go back to the library.

I am trying to bake a loaf of Potato Bread with Rosemary. I hope it turns out well; it sure smells good.

The week-end is supposed to be nice. I hope I can get out into the yard and do some clean up work. I have trash from my neighbors drifting about. My neighbors tried to lean a door in their out building, fell down.

I think my bread is done; it smells yummy.


Monday, March 1, 2010


I am deep into a book so I am taking the day off. I have read 2 1/2 books in the past 3 days and will finish the last one off tonight. I just can't help myself; give me a few good books and I am off to another world of fantasy and imagination...I do love to read.

Tomorrow is another day.