Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Where are you in the scheme of life?

Where are you in the scheme of life? Are you plant, animal or fish? Are you barbaric, civilized or still on the bottom rung of the ladder? Do you ever wonder what, who, or where your going as you travel through this life?

A silly question, I know, but do you ever think about the "whys" of your existence or who made you?

This is a short post as I have been out and about today. I went the library and picked up Glenn Becks's little book about THE CHRISTMAS SWEATER. It is kind of a fluff, feel good book...not heavy reading, but a nice diversion.

Wed. is supposed to hit 70 degrees...perfect outdoor working weather. My plum tree and pear tree are starting to bud. I hope we don't get a sudden frost when the trees blossom.

Thus, this day is over. I will make some hot chocolate and go to bed, a very fine place, indeed.

Visit THE OLD GEEZER BLOG. It is a worthy site.


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