Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Tooth Fairy, leave a quarter under my pillow

You have all heard the expression: "Not tonight, I have a headache." I have a headache. Maybe it is from the Dentist, the stuff he put on my teeth or the contemplation of the huge bill I'm gonna get for a crown. Yes, it all gave me a headache. $1, 500 is a lot of money to lay in my old out age. I would like to keep my teeth for a while yet because maybe next year I will be able to afford a nice, juicy steak and I will need teeth to eat it with.
I go back to the dentist on Monday-probably for a mold. Then it probably will be a six week wait: it was last time.
Because I have a a funky head and didn't sleep well last night, I'm going to bed soon.


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