Monday, March 22, 2010

Irish Wake and a bad turn for America

Lady Liberty stood for us all
Lady Liberty took a bad fall
All of Obama's minions
And all of his Dems(Democrats)
Can't put THE LADY
together again.

We will ALL be attending her funereal. We will place Freedom in a coffin and nail it shut. We will nail it loosely because there are more inalienable rights to crowd into the box. We will respectfully enshroud the casket in the American Flag. We will mournfully carry her flag draped remains through American streets. Then we will have a traditional Irish('though she was a saucy French maid) and celebrate her demise(as the Democrats are)and have a lifelong hangover for the the life of the Democrats.
What to watch for.
  1. A renewed assault on the right to bear arms. A disarmed nation can not defend freedom or the liberties that were guaranteed by the Constitution.
  2. Control and taxation of the Internet. When a government controls information and communications, they control the people. Many newspapers and news outlets such as TV and radios are already under the government's thumb.
  3. Control and taxation of the churches. Control and taxation will usher in and a society without values morals and a firm foundation for a social government. Seperation of church and state? It has been done before in Italy before and during WW1. Think Oboma won't try it? Hmmm.
  4. New amendments to the Constitution according to government's dictates.
  5. A change in Presidential term limits. Roosevelt served 12 years as President. When he died Congress put term limits on the Presidency. Congress can repeal or amendment term limits...per arm twisting..back room deals and times of National Wars or imminent dangers.
  6. Tweaking of the health bill that now one wanted and increased taxes in order to sustain the bill. When 300 million people are supported by only 20% of the class working, there will be trouble in paradise.
  7. War on Social Security. The aged that have paid into the system all their working years-most for 40 years or more, will become the new, very, very poor.
  8. Medicare will be parcelled out according to some bureaucrat that has never been sick, but has the very best health care provided by the government which the working class pays for, but is not provided to the average American
  9. The dumping of many recipients from the Medicaid rolls. Medicaid is a nice word for welfare with a lot of perks and advantages that a working stiff can never acquire. There are many that really need Medicaid and should have it, yet there are many playing the system.
  10. Wars and more wars. The military machine keeps the economy grinding along.

The grab-ation and control of private pensions and transfers of funds into the general funds to balance the budget.

If you are in non-agreement or can add to this list, then do so. Just don't ever say you were never warned.


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