Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Weeds, machines and wabbits

What is this weed? It is highly invasive in Western Kentucky. The honey bees,which are few and far between, seem to like the small purple flowers. Someone told me they are called "Henbit." I looked it up and that is what it is and very hard to get rid of.
I got the little tiller out of the back van, dragged it from the alley to the the porch, opened the box and put it together. Putting it together was the easy part. Getting it from there to
here was the hard part. Now, I just hope this one works.
Tomorrow-Wednesday-I go back to pick up the mower. They are putting it together. It's a heavy mower; I hope I can get it out of the back of the van without too much trouble.
I spoke to big brother and he has put the idea of raising rabbits for meat into my head. I will have to think about that.
The End

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