Friday, March 12, 2010

LD-lazy day

I decided to take the day off. It has been raining pitchforks and I didn't want to get hit by one. We are finally getting lots of rain. I can't get into the garden plot to finish up my cleanup. I had thought about going shopping, but again, I didn't want to be pelted by a flying cat or dog(you know, raining like cats and dogs). So I just stayed in and practised the art of "lounging about." I must admit I'm pretty good at it.

I fixed a chicken casserole last night-a packaged mix. I made it better by adding real chicken pieces and broth. I have only a little left and I will finish it off tonight by adding some left over soup and calling it super.

I got a bag of LITTLE SMOKIES out of the freezer and intend to make another casserole and add some vegetables to tomorrows meal. The problem with making casseroles is they are easy to make and easy to eat. In other words I am always up for a second helping.

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