Saturday, March 6, 2010


I have been trying to clean up the garden area a little bit and get it ready for planting. I ran out of yard bags and will have to get some more. I didn't get the job done in the fall because I was still "picking" stuff and then we had some bad weather.
All living things want to survive. I found a few onions that had been "missed" and some lettuce that is struggling to grow. There are a few other greens defying the cold and snow.
It was around 54 degrees today and is dropping down into the 20's overnight. Sunday-tomorrow- is supposed to be about 57, rain Sunday eve. and possibly 60 on Monday. I better get my work done so it can be tilled and ready.
I got a few more seeds in the mail and am waiting for the onion sets and asparagus roots.
Is it spring yet? Maybe.

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