Monday, April 18, 2011


RHUBARB flower head in the back yard by porch/patio.

Life without television is:

I watched TV last night until about 2 AM just to get it out of my system.  Off on April 17 and on again Sept. 17.  Do you think I can outlast myself?

The insurance adjuster came yesterday, as he said he would.  He climbed up on the roof and took pictures of the wind damage.  The shingles and felt are gone right down to the bare wood.  I knew it was leaking like an open faucet, but I didn't know it was that bad...only that my head was getting wet, and that what I could see made me unhappy.  Since we have had several wind storms I think it must have been a cumulative effect.  However, a wind storm is a wind storm.  I just hope it gets fixed...and soon.  He said he was going to get the papers and photos in today(Monday) because more rain is coming.

The sky is getting darker and more overcast and a wind is coming up.  I went to Lowe's while it was still pretty out and got some snap together storage shelves.  I have needed to do this for quite a while and finally  got myself going on my little task.  I need better storage for my pantry goods and to neaten things up a little.  I got smaller units because it is easier for me to handle and work with.

My computer had 5 viruses and a Trojan.  My security program just shuts everything down before any real damage is done.  But still, it  takes time to restore and get back up to speed.  I am not sure where theses problems are coming from, but suspect a couple may be from FaceBook...don't really know.  My bank account was locked out, too.  Now I have to call the bank and get everything reset.  If anyone gets into my bank account...they won't get much.

The house is very quite.  It seems strange.  No constant background noise.  Years ago, due to high B/P, I could hear the blood pumping in my carotid arteries.  Can't hear that anymore, and that is good.

Palm Sunday is now another Sunday past on the calender and Easter Sunday is is gaining in time in the historical scheme of worldly turnings.  History and events rise and ebb, with or without us.  In no time, it will be no time.
JOHN 12: 15

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Mabel, if I were alone I would not even have a TV. I did without TV for nearly 10 years and did not miss it one bit. I am usually too busy to even think about it. When I am alone again, I will no longer have one.

Love the pic of the rubharb, wish I had some here. I was going to plant some this year until I found out the house sold and we will be having to move sometime in the near future.

I sure hope that insurance guy takes care of business and gets your roof fixed soon. We too are in for more storms tonight and tomorrow.

Tomorrow is Frank's 50th birthday. I have a lot planned for him, including a video I made comemmorating the day. It will be posted both on my blog and on facebook.

Facebook is a great place to pick up viruses if one is not careful and gets too involved in all the apps. I am constantly catching things but it does not totally shut down my computer. It does however freeze it until I tell it what to do with the stuff it catches, LOL. Still a pain in the butt.

Well, I am tired and heading off to bed. Hope all is well and the rain is minimal or better yet, not at all for both of us! LOL

Love, Alice