Saturday, September 26, 2009

September rolls along

I didn't take any pictures today I just couldn't spot or think of anything of interest. I did go shopping 'though the sky is very overcast and the air is humid . We may get more rain before we get the sunshine that has been predicted.

I bought 10 boxes of Swiss Miss instant cocoa mix. That is 10 envelopes to a box=100 envelopes. I will get some of my calcium this way. I am trying to ward off any and all broken bones. The Surgeon said I had "soft bones" so I intend to "harden up." My next appointment is coming up in Oct. and when he takes X-Rays I want to have some evidence of stronger bones. I already had started drinking more milk, but for a long while I had not been consuming milk of any significant amounts. I don't know why I got out of the habit of drinking milk, but I am trying to make up for it.

I wanted to get a flat of Bean Soup, but I guess everyone likes Bean Soup because the shelf was empty. I should be back in stock on Wed.

I bought gas today at $2.25 per. gallon. I wonder how long that will last. I already had about $15.00 worth in the tank and added another $20.00 dollars worth. It did not fill the tank. As I have determined that I am going to get out more while the fall season is nice, I thought filling the tank would be a good idea. I want to be out and about so I don't get cabin fever.

I seem to be a bit sleepy; probably because of the dreary, rainy weather. Elvis sang a song about "Kentucky Rain" and I think of it every time the rain comes down.

Tomorrow, being Sunday, I give myself permission to take the day off...and you should. too.


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