Hey, I am on a water kick. You know, "Water is the Universal Solvent." The reason for this is that I am not glugging down enough H20 for proper hydration. I drink one cup of coffee in the morning, generally one cup of tea and just recently one cup of milk. Does that sound like enough to you? Not to me. You can live for weeks on a starvation diet, but only a few days without water. Like all older people I subconsciously have cut back on fluids. My B/P medication keeps me forever a slave to the Bathroom
Genie. So, like the residents that I used to take care of, I stopped imbibing in water. It shows up in skin. You know, all those little wrinkles on your arms and some slightly sagging skin here and there. I have a nice "fat face" so the wrinkles or dehydration signs don't show up readily in the mirror, but it will eventually. So, now is the time to belly up to the bar and drink up, mate. Have a cold one on me.
New Rule: Drink one full glass of wa wa before that morning cup of coffee. Drink at least one glass of water with lunch and with supper. Drink tea per. desire anytime in between.
The water will flush out the toxins that we all build up.. out of the liver and kidneys. These days we are all toxic to some degree and I don't want to be put on a "Government Toxic Waste Cleanup" list. Getting scraped up and buried in some toxic landfill just doesn't appeal to me. "Oh, Bury Me Not On A Toxic Prairie." Just call me "Toxic Woman!" Yeah!
Yup, water does a body good...just like milk. That being the case, you can drink too much water and in rare cases become drunk on water. You body cells can and have literally exploded with the ingestion of too much liquid. It is called crenation though it is not as common as spontaneous combustion. There(yuk, yuk)...there isn't enough water to put the fire out..LOL! More common than crenation or self-immolation is the real possibility of flushing out important vitamins and minerals. So enjoy yourself, but don't drink and drive. The next filling station (with a bathroom) may be twenty miles away. I never stray to far from mine.
All silliness aside, proper hydration is a serious issue and a lot of illnesses might be avoided with an adequate intake of "liquid medicine."
All right: I got most of the things on my "to do" list done in between downpours. I got my hair done by a different hairdresser. When I said "chop it off" I didn't mean a baldy. I think I have about one inch of hair left. Well, at least she shaved my neck. I didn't get to the grocery store, either. Good thing there is always a tomorrow. Oh, I know what I forgot: backup batteries for the little camera...darn.
1 comment:
Very true about water - glad you're drinking more of it!
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