Monday, May 31, 2010


Here are some pictures I shot of the Veterans' Memorial display that is placed each year in Central Park. There are more than 3,000 crosses and markers placed in the park by volunteers. Each and every cross has the full name of the deceased veteran. There are three permanent large stone markers in the park as well. There is one marker near the side walk for the "UNKNOWN SOLDIER" right in front of the yellow flowers. Not all the markers are crosses, in deference to other faiths. If you enlarge the pictures you will see them better.

A visitor here on business said he had never seen such an tribute to veterans before an took pictures to take home with him.

There are a couple shots of a storm that blew in with copious rain and wind. It lasted about 10 minutes. It was a real gully washer while it lasted.

As I was driving the smell of the sewer drains were calling out for a good rain. The only problems is it is always fast and furious, but it does help clear the sewers and the odor.

I didn't work in the garden today. I did work in the garden for a good two hours yesterday in spite of it being Sunday only to notice that all the weeds I pulled returned in abundance.


Saturday, May 29, 2010

Boxes of Moo Juice

I went to the EVERYTHING FOR A DOLLAR store this afternoon because I ran out of trash bags. I was also looking for these boxes of milk, hoping they had more. They did and I bought three more boxes of this shelf stable milk. I tried a box last week and liked the taste. It does taste
just like regular milk from the bottle or jug. It doesn't have an aftertaste or chemical trace flavor because it is real milk. I got the 2%, but they also had whole milk.
The good thing about this product is it will last several months if unopened. That makes it ideal for anyone is is "prepping" or just trying to stay ahead of inflation. Regular, store bought milk does not keep well in the summer months. This carton says it will keep up to 14 days after opening in the fridge. I will get more as time goes on and as I have the money. I do like the stuff. It has everything except the moo and the swishing tail.
I told myself I would get more garden work done today, but it is really too hot and muggy to be out in the garden. Whereas, I usually do not work or plan on doing much on a Sunday, tomorrow may have to be an exception, especially if it is cooler. I HAVE to catch up with the garden and not let the weeds take over.
I had bought a kind of fibre roll to put in the garden to retard weed growth. This afternoon when I went to take it out of the back of the van it rolled out of the van and onto my ankle/foot. Yes, it hurt. I haven't looked at it yet, but I pretty sure it is bruised. It isn't painful now, but it has a burn feel to it. Maybe if I don't look at will go away.
You never know what each new day will bring. I hope the sun will rise and smile on us lowly creations, but if it doesn't...well, we'll be in GOOD HANDS, won't we.

Friday, May 28, 2010


I have been outside most of the day burning blubber. I was melting in the sun and humidity. It wasn't quite as warm and sticky as it was yesterday, but certainly hot enough. I wore my straw hat and drank plenty of's just that I forgot to eat again until late when my tummy started speaking in a grumbling kind of voice. Feed me, feed me!

Anyway, I got the back yard mowed down nicely and did some much needed weeding in the"corn patch. I have a lot of weeds to catch up on. All it takes is a little rain. Now that the yard is neat I can concentrate on the weeds tomorrow. I am going to have to re-till parts of the garden and re-plant some stuff. That is OK. There is still time to plant: It isn't quite June yet.

There isn't much to post as I have been outside all day. I haven't even watched the news. You would think I would be getting lots and lots accomplished. I work a bit and sit a I'm slow at it, but I make progress.
It's nearing 10PM. Is that too late to fry some eggs and steak? I just can't sleep on an empty stomach. I'm hungry...again.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

House Mechanic and a little rain

Are you a good house mechanic? A good auto mechanic takes good care of his tools. They are too expensive to ignore and need to be usable when and as needed. Many mechanics take their tools home with them at the end of the day. If you are a good house mechanic you won't need to drag yours home every night. You will need to keep them clean and in good repair in order that your tools will serve you well and long.

I just cleaned my upright Bessel vacuum cleaner from top to bottom, inside and outside and where ever I could reach. It isn't hard; you may find it slightly tedious, but well worth the effort.

Start by emptying the canister and do not ever let it get too full when you use it. Mine will come apart and several parts are easily washable with dish detergent and running water. After emptying the canister scrub it out with detergent and your sink sprayer. Above the canister is a blue plastic filter that is also easy to detach and clean with soap and water. Below the canister is a smaller container with a foam ring that fits over a paper filter. Remove the foam filter and wash as well. The paper filter is a unit that also fits in the lower container. Remove what you can with your fingers and then use detergent and your sink sprayer from the inside out. If you spray from the outer portion of the paper filter you are likely drive some of the dirt/dust deeper into the filter. Next, I place all the clean components in front of a fan and let the parts completely dry overnight. Never put your vacuum back together with damp or wet parts or filters...unless you like caking up your filters with dirt. Before I put the Bessel back together I go over the machine with a damp cloth or paper towel and remove any dust on the out side of the vacuum cleaner. I also try to clean out as much of the tubing that is reachable withing reason and check the brushes for any clinging debris.
You can find replacement filters and parts online by entering the name of your cleaner in the search box.

Does it take a little time? Yes, but if you do it often your vacuum will be your best friend in the household tool box. And on another note...keep your instructions that come with your appliances. They come in handy and will walk you through everything I have just posted.

I bought a solar bird bath from QVC and was looking forward to setting it up in the backyard. The box looked like it had been set upon by an eight hundred pound gorilla. When I opened the box the bird bath was damaged. It went back in the box and is better sealed than when I got it.

QVC is already sending me a replacement. The item was shipped from Turkey and badly packed and sealed. I have no idea if Turkey shipped it that way or if UPS has been sloppy. It should have been marked as "fragile." Anyway, it is going back as soon as UPS comes and picks it up.

We are finally getting rain-thunderstorms-lightning and some wind. It looks like the same
weather is moving east and perhaps is more severe The temperature has fell from the nineties to 71 degrees. Aha. Relief from the swelter. I should go to a Tea Party meeting tonight, but I don't want to get wet.


Wednesday, May 26, 2010


This is the third day of the 90's in temperatures. The humidity is pretty high, too. The temperatures are above normal for this time of the year. There is a promise of showers, but that's all it has been...promises. The peppers are wilting and so am I.
When it becomes this miserable I stay in. The garden will have to wait for a cooler day. When it is this bad outside it is also bad inside. The A/C in the kitchen window has tried its best, but needs to be replaced. I just cleaned the filter hoping that will help...maybe a little. I know that tomorrow, Thursday, will be almost as hot with the high of around 88, probably a little higher.
When the temperatures and humidity rises it brings on health problems. If you work out in the sun you should wear a straw hat to help keep the direct sun off your head. I also will wear a wet towel around my neck to help cool my carotid arteries. I also stop often, rest and drink a lot of fluid. Don't drink coffee. Avoid working or being out in the heat of the day. Work in the morning or evening as the sun lowers into the western sky. You know the drill.
I did get up early to go out and work in the yard, but by 9 AM it was already 88 degrees. I waited for the evening, but even at 6:30 PM it was still 90 out. There are times you can't win so don't worry about it. Another day will roll around. It is better to be aware and guard your health than to have a heat stroke. The elderly or people with heart problems or high B/P really need to take precautions.
You can buy little personal fans the run on batteries or find gel filled "coolers" at most drug store that will help keep the body a little more comfortable. Or you can do like the boys next door and float in the pool all day. Just keep cool.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Fun at the Home

Here are some random shots of the Pizza Party from last night. They are not in any particular order. You may get better details by clicking on the pictures. The person wearing the yellow curtain on the rods is the nurse doing an impersonation of Barbara Streisand form an old TV show. The lady in the lavender blouse is celebrating her birthday. She was an old Navy gal from WWII.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Pizza party

It's late and I just got home from the little party at the Nursing Home. I have food to put away and I am very hot and sticky. Right in the middle of our little party The State Inspectors came in. Sister was in a near panic because it was supper time for the general group of residents. The Inspectors wanted to know where all the residents were. Well, they were upstairs with us having a pizza party. The Inspectors came up to check and were pleased see the residnts having a good time and lots of fun, besides having everything under the sun to eat. Now days, Inspectors actually count heads to make sure there is no cheating/adding non-existent residents.

I will add pictures tomorrow, but I am tired and want to go to bed.D


Saturday, May 22, 2010


It's supposed to hit 93 degrees tomorrow with high humidity. I don't plan on working hard on Sunday, anyway. I worked hard enough today and got all stinky and dirty. I got a fair amount of work done in the garden. I never get everything I plan on doing, done. I do what I can. I forgot to eat until I saw my neighbors going out for supper. Then I thought "food." That might be good. I did drink several glasses of lemonade 'though.

I re-tilled a good part of the garden. Rain makes the weeds grow, too. I planted the eight pepper plants close-in to the corn. I don't know how that will work. I intend to get the Swiss Chard planted in close to the corn, too. Yipes! I still have more stuff to plant!

I talked to big in brother Harry in Texas today. He wants to win the lottery so he can buy a house in NY state and be in his old stamping grounds and go trout fishing. At the age of 78, I wish him luck and hope he get to live his dream. I also talked to niece Patsy for a bit and big sister Beverly-gosh, I've been talkative! Yak, Yak.

I have a lot to do tomorrow even 'though it's Sunday. I got to get stuff ready for a small party at the nursing home on Monday. I really don't know what to make that is easy and that they haven't had before.

Not much else going on or to post. See ya later, one and all.


Friday, May 21, 2010

Baby Back Ribs

What is the proper way to eat barbecued baby back pork ribs in public or in a restaurant? I don't know, but they sure were good!

I have been lazier than an old dog sleeping on the porch. Tomorrow I had better wag the tail and get busy. I did wash cloths today, but not much else.

I watched AVATAR on TV this afternoon and it was a pretty good movie. If you have not seen it yet, you should. It may not appeal to everyone, but the special effects are outstanding.

It rained off and on today and tomorrow it is supposed to be in the mid-eighties and humid.

I am having a time with the cursor bouncing all over the page, up down and into the middle of sentences. Someone told it is because of other computers in the area grabbing on to my wi/fi signal. So I quite for the evening. It is just too much hassle.


Thursday, May 20, 2010

Humditity makes me stupidity

This was a "not well" day. It rained most of the day and the humidity was about 80%. Which gave me a good sinus headache. I had planned to get a lot done today, got up early, but went back to bed and slept until almost noon. I got up, dressed and ready to try to get some pepper plants planted in the mud, but it started to rain again. Maybe tomorrow or tomorrow or the next day.

I went out and bought pepper plants yesterday. I had forgotten to start them when I started my tomato seeds. Well,I have them now.

I think a lot of gardens are going in late this year. It's been a pretty cool spring: below normal with weird rain cycles. Anyway, most of mine is in.

I still have a sinus headache with the right nostril blocked so I am off to bed.


Wednesday, May 19, 2010


No,you can't drink it. It contains banana peels, coffee grounds and egg shells. Plants like it. A garden milk shake. Yum, says the tomato plants.
I didn't work in the garden today. I did do a walk through. Sections of onions are missing, or seem to be. I don't know of any predators that like onions unless it could be two legged kind. The onions are just about right for a salad. I think the chain on the gate has been changed/moved in a manner that it was not in before...I could be wrong. It is time to lock it up for real with a padlock. I do have some more onion sets to fill in the gaps, but it means more work for me to do and it is something I really had not expected to do. I expected to lose some corn to the Grackles, but not onions.Tomorrow, before it rains, I will need to get out and replant corn and onions. Like Darn!
Other than fussing about the bare spots in the garden there isn't much to post. I guess if that is all I have to complain is good.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

me too tired

I'm tired. I always am when I work in the yard and garden. It brings out the beast in me, too. I could eat the leg off a cow, but I'm too tired to chase it. You would think it would help me to lose weight, but it just makes me hungry and increases my appetite. The good thing about working in the yard and garden today is that it stayed cool. It was a bit breezy, but a good day for work and work I did. I will sleep well tonight.

I replanted a few onions that didn't show forth. I had some onions that were going bad and sprouting so in the ground they went. I need to hit the bare spots in the corn row tomorrow. More beans were uncovered. No beets yet. I know I have moles in the yard and that is not good. All the birds are probably eating the seeds, as well. I know I have written some of this before, but it is aggravating to work so hard and not see the fruits of my labors. Well, one good thing...not many weeds left and the garden had dried out enough to go through it with the baby tiller again.

I hope to set some tomato plants out into the garden tomorrow and I re-potted a couple blueberry plants that were not very strong yet. I have two blueberry bushes in the ground with little berries on them. I notice that K-mart did not open their garden center this year, but do have plants out in front of the store. Maybe I will get a chance to look at them this week before they are all gone. Some of the perennials at Lowe's are half priced now.

I have lots to do tomorrow(Wednesday)and will be doing well to get half of my plans executed. I work a little, rest a little, so I guess it takes me about twice as long to complete a task as it would for anyone else. But I won't complain, esp. since the Surgeon that repaired my elbow said I would never garden or mow the grass again. I guess we showed him, didn't we!! HA!! So there, know-it-all Doctor.

As there isn't much else going on I will call it a night, drink my milk and wander off to bed.


Saturday, May 15, 2010

How dirty am I?

This is not a day for working outside 'cause we finally have rain. So I am catching up inside. As I was washing cloths my mind was wandering and wondering, how dirty am I? Not very dirty in the general sense unless I am out doing lawn and garden work. We have been taught that we must buy and use every detergent and cleaning agent the the producers can spawn.

I have been reducing the amount of detergent I put into the washing machine. If the directions call for 1 cup of brand X I put in 3/4 of a cup of the detergent and usually use cold water for washing the cloths. There are exceptions to this if the cloths are very dirty or grimy or the cloths are outdoor or work cloths. There are some things that only hot water and good detergent will clean, but usually we are basically freshening our cloths. It is a judgement decision on how much of what to use in the laundry. The less chemical crude and less energy I use-the better I feel about the impact I put on the earth and stress on my pocketbook.

Too freshen cloths you need only a small amount of detergent. I add a tablespoon of baking soda to the second rinse. It makes the laundry smell better, gets rid of any left over detergent/soap scum and helps clean out the washing machine and the pump. Small loads are much easier on the washing machine and the fibers of the cloths you are putting through.

I think back to my mother scrubbing cloths on an old fashioned scrub board many years ago and how much it hurt her shoulders that were arthritic and painful it was for her, even than, at fairly young age. We don't know how lucky we have it. Hopefully we will never have to find out some of the trials our parents went through.

It is coming off warm and sticky. I walked out to the garden and pulled a few weeds,then tracked some mud into the house-I should have waited. I see a some bare spots where t the corn didn't emerge-or the Grackles have got it. I have some corn seed left to replant in those places. I found more beans uncovered, too. I hope when the interlopers get through there is some veggies left for me.

You may note that I have added a widget for car parts in the side bar-you might want to look and see. You may also be interested in a digital camera-I love mine.


Friday, May 14, 2010

silly me

I feel like fooling around so I will. I didn't do much today and didn't look for much to do. I walked out to the garden and for a few minutes and pulled a couple weeds. It was so humid out that I didn't stay out long and came back in.

Green is pretty and maybe it will give me a green thumb and make my garden grow. If the rain does not come soon nothing will grow. The rain continues to skirt this area.

The kid next door finally got his tire fixed. He had to beat the lug nut off the drum, but he got it done. Persistence pays.

I did go to the store and picked up a couple items that I had forgotten to get the other day. I keep Peanut Butters crackers in "stock" to take with my B/P medicine in the morning. Somehow I let them run out and had to take my med. with a banana this morning. That isn't bad, but I did get some more crackers. Never take meds. on an empty stomach.

A "friend" calls me just about every day wanting to know what I am doing. I hate that, but I try to be polite. I think that I shouldn't have to account for my day-to-day activities. I'm retired. If I want to read all night or sleep all day or just run about...I should be able to do so without accounting to my every movement. It wouldn't be so bad if it weren't every day and sometimes 3 times a day.

Well have I played havoc with your vision? That was fun!! As you have now guessed it has been a fairly quiet day. Tomorrow I need to get busy and back out into the garden and get some stuff done.


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Garden Reprive

Someone said I should add organic matter to my garden and that is a good idea. I already added it to my new grape vines. What I prefer to use in the garden is fish emulsion because I can't carry organic material and heavy bags of compost, and can't afford it anyway. I know the soil looks worse than it is, but I took the pictures on a very dry, dusty day. Still, I guess I could start saving coffee grounds and have egg shells to grind. I can not use grass clippings because here it is Bermuda grass, the worst grass in the world. The roots of Bermuda grass will spear right through any root crop and it is a battle trying to keep it out of the garden. If you ever bite down on a root spear that has grown through a potato you will feel like you have bitten down on a sharp nail. Still, I will think about what I can do to improve the soil, as was suggested.

I didn't work in the yard today. I stayed in and rested. The humidity is very high and I don't want to challenge my B/P. So I went to the Chinese Restaurant and challenged my tummy instead. Yum...a proper challenge. And I was tired out from yesterday and didn't eat well last eve. because I was too worn out to cook. I had a big bowl of shredded wheat and went to bed last night and woke up around 7 AM. For people who say they can't sleep...plant a garden.

The kid next door is having truck problems. He has an elderly van that is probably at least 20 years old. He has a flat tire that he cant fix because he has stripped the lug nut. Then he broke the stem off the tire. He has been back and forth borrowing tools and trying to fix his tire, but I think he may have to get a new drum or get the lug drilled out somehow. I don't think he is a kid that has ever had much and I am pretty sure he doesn't have much money. When I was that age I didn't have much money, either, so I know what it is like.

The TV keeps calling for rain and the rain keeps going right around us. My garden needs rain. It is so dry that the worms are carrying canteens. The birds are scratching up all the been seeds and probably eating the beet seeds. Bad Grackles. So...even though I didn't work too hard I am tired and going to bed soon.


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Time in the yard

If you look closely at the pictures you will see potatoes and corn coming up and in an other shot there are onions. The Peony's are in flower and smell really good. In one picture where the stake is coming out of the ground is where one of two blueberry bushes is planted. In another picture where there is just some round looking dirt there is one of two seedless grape vines planted. After I took the pictures I got busy with the baby tiller and went down the rows. The garden looks much better now. I should have waited until after I did the work to take the pictures. Then I mowed the back yard. I think it all looks pretty good for now. Just call me "Tiller the Hun." I forgot to mention there is one shot of "weeds" along side of a storage area. They are pretty "weeds" so I left them.

I decided to do more today as the rain is holding off for now. WE do need some rain. It has poured all around, but not here. You can see how dry and cracked the soil is in a couple pictures. So..I got a lot done and sweat copiously, The humidity is high, the temperature is in the low eighties and cloudy. We will get moisture, but who knows when. I hope it is a gentle, soaking rain.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Bed time

I didn't work today. I stayed out of the garden. It looked like the sky would open up anytime, but it didn't. I figured if it did start to rain I wouldn't have time to get my tools put away so ed in and was generally l away. So I just stayed in and was generally lazy.

I am about 3/4 into my last book. I need to finish it before the 14.

I think that tomorrow I will go to the store and get a few odds 'n ends-not much.

Yesterday I super glued a drawer back together. It goes to my computer desk. It is an expensive unit made out of...pressed sawdust. Fortunately I didn't pay for it: it was given to me when someone was downsizing. So I can't complain too much.

Well, it's time for a peanut butter sandwich and a glass of milk and off to bed.


Monday, May 10, 2010

In for the day

Yup, I am in for the day. I went over parts of the garden with the baby tiller. Actually I'm trying to make the garden bigger because I have run out of room. Where it wasn't tilled before by the big boy tiller it is hard, has deep, dense roots and needs several more passes and lots of raking off of thatch, small stones and debris, I'm getting there, slowly.

Today I did plant the seedless grape vines that I bought the other day. I planted them along the fence hoping to crowd out my neighbor's weeds-and my own, too. In the process I got the baby tiller hung up on the chain link fence and damaged a couple tines on the tiller. If you hit something hard-these little tillers will "jump" on you so you need to hang on tight. I got the shovel out and finished the job. I have to dig with my left hand and I am not left handed. My right hand and arm served , too. I held on the fence with the right hand for support and balance, so where there is a will there is always a way to get the task accomplished. I just hope I wind up with a super little garden.

I am hungry for something good, but I don't know what. I got to digging in the freezer and found a Wal-Mart chicken already cooked. I am craving sweets, but trying to lose wt. by working hard and watching out for the good stuff.

Tomorrow it is supposed to be in the eighties. They call for rain, but if it holds off I can get a row of turnips in and maybe go over my new patch a little. At the same I am doing this stuff I am trying to stay far ahead of any weeds and pull up "volunteers". I want nice, clean rows and in a week or so I will be able to post some pictures of mine and Mother Nature's efforts.

And how does your garden grow?

Saturday, May 8, 2010


The temperature has dropped out. It is cold and breezy and there are possible warnings of frost. Next week will have rain on and off. Well, we will get what we get and I put my sweat shirt back on after shopping.

I went to Lowe's and found turnip seed. I also found seedless grapes for just under $10.00, so I came home with those, too. I picked up some row markers and some square peat pots. I guess I may start some sweet pepper plants. I was slightly negligent with the tomatoes starts. I didn't give the plants right in the window enough water. They sort of hung their heads over and look pretty sick. I don't think revival is in their future. However, I have enough with some over. I started 24 just in case some didn't germinate.

The corn is coming up. Now I am sure. Last year the corn I planted vanished. My neighbors across the street feed the squirrels and I think they came to visit my garden and I fed them, too, but not willingly. I should get a bee bee gun.

There isn't much going on. I finished one book and I think I will start another. TV is not much for entertainment


Friday, May 7, 2010

Still planting

The rain has held off so I was able to get back to my planting in the garden. While it may not seem like a lot is being accomplished, each time it rains I have to wait for the ground to dry out and till it again as it becomes cracked, baked cake-like and hard. Then it has to be racked off again to get rid of the weeds that want to take up residence. So, half my time I am redoing what I did. After the re-do I did get a 30 ft. row of beets planted and a 30 ft. row of beans. I ran out of beans about 3 feet short of the end of the row. I finished with some left-over purple bean seeds from last year. No telling what I will get in the end.

I am running out of room in the garden spot. I still have tomatoes, squash, Spinach and turnips to plant. I would like to try some leeks, too. For the leeks I may try a bit of square ft. planting and maybe for the Spinach, too. I have just enough room in the main garden spot for the tomatoes if I till it a little more. I hope I can keep up with it all! still

I was really worn out when I came in. The wind kept the mosquitoes at bay and the clouds kept the heat down a bit. As it started getting dark I decided to quit and put my stuff away. I cooked myself a steak-rare, and some pasta and poured a big glass of buttermilk.Ahhh.

If it rains tonight...and it may...I will go to the garden store and get some markers for the garden. Right now I am using bricks. I will also get some turnip seed; I thought I had some.
Time to sit back and relax and watch a little TV.


Thursday, May 6, 2010

The River

Theses are the tomato plants I started. A couple have not come up. Two of the squash have germinated. None of the plants are big enough to put out yet. Most of the peat pots are left over from last year.
I took the day off from garden/yard work. My arm has stiffened up so I am giving it a rest. I went to the store and then down by the flowing waters.

I've been to the river. Some will say they "have been to the mountain-seeking wisdom and knowledge." Not me. I've been to the river. I don't like climbing mountains. The river is running deep and swift. It is full of debris' from the high waters coming down the Ohio. The Monongahela empties into the Ohio from Pennsylvania as well as lots of tributaries and , streams all along the way. That's a lot of water flowing 'round the bend. I went to the river to enjoy the sunlight and tranquility of the day , watching Mother Nature ply her charms.

She is a seductive lady, the Ohio River. She can be really destructive, petulant and unforgiving. The river is full of logs, trees and trash that is carried along hurriedly by the quick current-really fast moving water. I am so happy to be on this side of the river, on the bluff side, high and dry. On the other side the backup water is into the fields and flooding out the corn and soybeans.. The farmers will have to start over and replant. That means the prices of corn and soybeans will go up, up and away.
I read that America is no longer the "bread basket" of the world. There has been copious flooding and generally bad stuff happening all over the country and food prices continue to rise.

Each time I go to the grocery store I moan and groan all the way home and the agony is not going away soon. And there is even more pain at the pump. All the newscasters are reporting that gas is at its cheapest level since March...really? It has jumped to almost $3.00 a gallon overnight. There is some fuzzy math going on somewhere...but not in my pocketbook.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Sweat Labor

My yard looks pretty good. It should. I put a lot of work into it. Even 'though I mowed on Friday the big rain(s) made the grass grow twice as fast and twice as high. I dropped the mower down to just two inches and cut the green grass shorter. I did start to trim, but the trimmer is too heavy for my arm so I just did a few places. All in all, my arm is getting stronger: it just won't bend-un-bendable me...hee hee.

I still can't get work done in the garden as it is still wet and has not dried out quite enough. I see a few onions poking up, but no corn. I think I even see a few potatoes peeking up from the mud, but I am not sure. Absolutely, weeds are in the forefront of all growth. There are a few beans that came up on their own and I think there may be a few Okra sneaking up out of the ground. If it does not rain tonight I may be able to get some more seeds planted. I hope so.

A "friend" called me right at lunch time and wanted me to drive out to where she works and take her B/P because she was not "feeling right" and had been vomiting. I can take her B/P, but I won't know what is causing her to be sick. I can tell her if it is high, low, or in between, but I won't know why. If someone feels so bad that they want me to drive five miles each way through a road construction site-they need to go to an out-patient clinic, the hospital or get a complete work-up from their favorite witch doctor.

In the course of the phone conversation she finally came out with what is really bothering her; her husband. He wants to go visit his mother and family on Mother's Day and she wants to go to Indianapolis to see her new grand child. They can't seem to compromise and I KNOW she won't give in. As she often says herself, "IT'S MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY." I kid you not-those are her words out of her mouth and she means it. I asked her if they couldn't come to some kind of compromise and the answer was NO! I don't think women should generally marry younger men. They want to dominate and it can lead to some problems. Thus, I conclude she has stressed herself out and made herself sick which can lead to real-serious sickness/anxiety.

Tomorrow I hope to post some pictures of the tomatoes I started in peat pots. I meant to do so today, but it is getting pretty dark out and I am tired. I am starting to if my hair would just go from white to brown; wouldn't that be a grand slam tan!

The weather stayed nice for change; warm and windy. A couple more days. please, and I can have most of the garden in-Thank you.


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Rain Again

Books! I have books! I picked up a couple at the Goodwill store this afternoon and am deep into one from the library. That will keep me out of trouble for awhile, won't it.

I am waiting for the ground to dry out so I can get some more planting done. It rained again last night and is supposed to rain again on Wed. I may have to get out there with my hair dryer and blow it dry-one ity-bit at a time. Now, that would be something to write about.

Not much to post. I think it is time for some milk and going to bed. Yup, I need my beauty rest.


Monday, May 3, 2010


When I was watching the news about the water main break in Boston I was also seeing people going schizo over and fighting for bottled water. There was plenty of water to be had from the faucet-you just had to boil it before drinking it. I got me to wondering If panic and anxiety isn't being fostered to a large extent by the news, the government, many bloggers and the doomsayers. Not that water can not become an issue in the near future, but what can fear and reaction accomplish in the short run? It is the long term planning and husbanding of water that really should be on the minds of Americans, not how they will acquire lots of bottled water for use in the few days they will be short on potable H2O.

If we let panic and anxiety rue in a real event or shortage, just imagine what society will become or how they /we will behave in the face of real adversary. Not well, I am afraid.

The military is taught to asses, plan, react and/or not to react. If solders were not taught discipline and order in dire situations or conditions they would leave the field of contention in an array of cahos. The same is true of our police officers. You would most certainly be on your own in difficult times or dangerous places. Remember Katrina. Some police did panic and took off for safer ground, but most stood their ground and stayed at their post the best they could under horrendous circumstances. It would be the same in the military: most would serve honorably and die with their boots on. They have discipline and order and the ability to size up and deduce what and how to carry forth.

Here is the rub. Most Americans of the younger generations have not the foundations to stand on. They have built their culture and society on sand. When the water rises, their boats won't float. We need to have what our grandfathers and older uncles and aunts, and siblings had-grit. We need to learn NOT to react without thought or care, but to think things through and not let our action be the knee-jerk reactions that the news, government and society expect and encourage.

We ought to be more like the Mormons and be prepared. We should have at least a minimum of three days supplies and water on hand for emergencies. More, if you can afford or manage to do so. Plan and teach yourself what to do if the weather or other contingents play havoc with our lives. The American Red Cross provides good good outlines for preparing for disasters. Panic-Anxiety-Disorder, are not included on the list. Do yourself a favor and get the list at your local Red Cross or on line. Educate yourself and learn of some of the recommendations or even better, take a course in first aid.

I am of the firm belief that most anxiety is a learned response. It is how we teach ourselves to handle or not handle tough situations. Don't get the wrong idea. I am not lumping everyone into the same category because some anxiety or panic attacks are very serious and need to be addressed by experts, of which I am NOT one. But most of us can unlearn bad traits and replace the with good traits-new and better human tactics for the mind-"Mind over Matter." NO PANIC-NO ANXIETY NO PROBLEM. Think and plan-be ready.


Saturday, May 1, 2010

Kentucky Rain

I spent the day being lazy and watching the Kentucky Derby. The winning Jockey started his career right here-where I live, so of course, everyone is proud of his victory.
We are about to get a new round of storms. It wasn't too bad last night or today. There is a possibility that tonight's storm may be worse. The humidity is 100% with some wind. Last night was a lot of noise and lightning with just over 2 inches of rain. I just rolled over and went
back to sleep. The rain did uncover some of the potatoes I planted, 'though.
I am saving egg shells. I will grind and pulverize the shell in water in the blender. The water will be added to my tomato starts-a little calcium mineral. I will not be able plant or work in the garden for several days, but that is OK. I go to the dentist on Monday and have other things to do anyway.
Well, I have some hot tea to drink so off I go.