Saturday, May 8, 2010


The temperature has dropped out. It is cold and breezy and there are possible warnings of frost. Next week will have rain on and off. Well, we will get what we get and I put my sweat shirt back on after shopping.

I went to Lowe's and found turnip seed. I also found seedless grapes for just under $10.00, so I came home with those, too. I picked up some row markers and some square peat pots. I guess I may start some sweet pepper plants. I was slightly negligent with the tomatoes starts. I didn't give the plants right in the window enough water. They sort of hung their heads over and look pretty sick. I don't think revival is in their future. However, I have enough with some over. I started 24 just in case some didn't germinate.

The corn is coming up. Now I am sure. Last year the corn I planted vanished. My neighbors across the street feed the squirrels and I think they came to visit my garden and I fed them, too, but not willingly. I should get a bee bee gun.

There isn't much going on. I finished one book and I think I will start another. TV is not much for entertainment


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